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Devoir 12 anglais CNED seconde (2017)

Guide pratique : Devoir 12 anglais CNED seconde (2017). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Mai 2017  •  Guide pratique  •  477 Mots (2 Pages)  •  3 319 Vues

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General comprehension

  1. This text is an extract from a novel.
  1. The story takes place in Scandinavia.Oslo, Norway February 12, 1994 6.29 a.m.”, “Norwegian winter morning”, “Norway’s preeminent art museum.”, “celebrating the work of Norway’s greatest artist,” “Organized crime, Norwegian style,”...
  1. Main characters: the two thieves, the guard.

Characters mentioned: the Scotland Yard detective.

Real people mentioned: Evard Munch (artist), van Gogh (artist).

  1. At the beginning of the scene: February 12, morning (?.? a.m).

The man spends 50 seconds in the museum...

At the end of the scene: February 12, morning (6.29 a.m).

  1. “Thieves” is the title that best corresponds to the scene described in this extract.

Detailed comprehension

  1. Name: The Scream.

Artist: Edvard Munch.

Dimensions: two feet by three feet.

Price: $72 million.

  1. The guard works in the basement.“A guard inside the museum, his rounds finished, basked in the warmth of the basement security room.”

The two men climb to the second floor.”The top of the ladder rested on a sill just beneath a tall window on the second floor of the museum.

The Scream is on the second floor.”Behind that window was an exhibit celebrating the work of Norway’s greatest artist, Edvard Munch. Fifty-six of Munch’s paintings lined the walls. (...)One was known around the world, an icon as instantly recognizable as the Mona Lisa or van Gogh’s Starry Night. (...)This was The Scream.

  1. i.The two men placed the ladder against the wall.

c. The guard patrolled the museum.

h. The guard started his paperwork.

b. One of the men climbed the ladder.

d. The man broke the window.

e. The guard turned off the alarm.

f. The man detached the painting.

a. The man pushed the painting down the ladder.

g. The two men escaped in their car.

  1. a. The two men’s action was premeditated. True,“Behind the bushes along the museum’s front wall they found the ladder they had stashed away earlier that night.”.

b. The guard really likes doing paperwork. False,”He had paperwork to take care of, which was a bore,”.

c. The guard has considerable professional experience. False,”He had taken the job only seven weeks before.”.

d. The men act in daylight. False,”In the predawn gloom of a Norwegian winter morning,”.


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