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DM en lettre: écrire une lettre

Documents Gratuits : DM en lettre: écrire une lettre. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Mars 2013  •  287 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 151 Vues

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Manon X



Ms Lenna,

144 Hilton Lane, Prestwich,


M25 9QY.

November 15th

Dear Lenna

Hello, my name is Manon Bartolucci, I am 13 years old. I was born in 10 march 1999 in Tarare. I still live in Tarare in an apartment. I am small-sized for my old. I am as height as my brother. I am talkative. I talk always so my teachers are not satisfied but I am less talkative than my sister. I am curious and pretty, what are your qualities? Physically I have a blond hair and I have blue eyes, and you what colors are your hair and your eyes?

I have one brother his name is Corentin he is 11 years old and one sister she name is Mélanie she is 17 years old . We are both in the same room (me and Mélanie). Have you got brother or sister? My mother is Mireille she is 43 years old and she works in a factory, my father is Gérald he is 39 years old and he works in factory too. What is the name of your parents and what are their jobs?

I have a horse, his name is Isidor he is 17 years old. Have you got a pets ? I like horse riding. I practise Handball since I am 10 years old. Do you practices a sport? I enjoy more make sport than do my homework. Do you like school? I like listening music and spending time with my best friend Léa. If you come in France you can see her. I stop to talk otherwise when you will come I would have nothing more to say.

Looking forward to seeing you soon

Love from Manon


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