- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

DEV. Anglais1 CNED BTS TOURISME 1ère année

Dissertation : DEV. Anglais1 CNED BTS TOURISME 1ère année. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Juin 2018  •  Dissertation  •  540 Mots (3 Pages)  •  583 Vues

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1) Hélène has to speak English with American and British visitors, outside July and August, with many nationalities and during July and August because there is a lot of Russian, Japanese and Chineses tourists.

2) If she’s familiar with the site, she doesn’t have to do researsh about the site but, she has to find out as much as she can about the group, so she’ll be able to adapt the presentation to their level of interest. If she is not familiar with the site, Hélène collects as much information as she can, in English if it’s possible and she putS it in order. She eliminates what is not important and prepares a series of notes. When Hélène presents somwhere for the first time in English, she practices it with her friends. If she needs to use new or technical words, Hélène, try to find oout how they should be pronounce. If she she had some technical words, she ask to teachers she knows from England to help her.

3) Here are the advice Hélène gives to someone who has to make their first presentation in English : First, you haVE to prepare the presentation juste like i have said before, then, you make notes. But, don’t write the whole presentation, only keywords. Third, you have to use a fairly simple and clear English. Fourth, your note should be clear and concise, use one or two keys expressions. Finaly, it’s not necessary to use all the technical words you know.


To greet the group, Hélène says « Good morning everyone ».

To introduce herself, she says « my name is Hélène and I’m your guide. »

To say what she is going to show her group, she says « This morning we’re going to visit the grounds and the interior of the chateau. »

To ask people to do something, « If you’d like to follow me »

To attract people’s attention to something, she says « over there, you can see »

And to indicate exactly where something is, « if you look down there by the river, just next to the wall… »



email 1. 


Claire Hughes souhaiterait que quelqu’un remplace le guide habituel pour une visite à un groupe de 28 écoliers anglais, vendredi matin. Ils arriveront à 10h00 au château, ils sont tous en première année de lycée et auront autour de 17 ans. Une grande partie d’entre eux étudient l’histoire. Il faudra présenter l’histoire du château, de sa construction jusqu’au 19e siècle et les caractéristiques exceptionnelles du bâtiment, comme ses influences de la renaissance le grand escalier Il faudra également dire une ou deux choses sur ses terres et sur le site. La présentation devra durer environ une heure. Pourrais-tu t’occuper de cette visite ?


Email.2 Dear Mrs. Hughes,

I come to you today, concerning the visit of the castle on Friday morning. I am not available for this presentation next Friday but I have a colleague who is an expert on the chateau. I ve already asked him and Jean-Pascal is available and says yes to do the presentation. So he can cover it if you want to. If you are interested I can send you his deatils email.

Best regards


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