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Ce que j'aimerais faire après le BTS NRC (document en anglais)

Dissertation : Ce que j'aimerais faire après le BTS NRC (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Septembre 2013  •  371 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 156 Vues

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My name is Manuel, i'm twenty and i'm actually in my second year of my BTS NRC. I would like, after the BTS, to continue toward an economic licence.

The company I worked for was called Crédit Agricole, they work in the banking environment, and was located in Wimereux. It was a 6 week paid placement.

There were 4 people in my company, it was a small agency.

I applied for this placement through my own connections and a little bit with the help of my friend who spoke about me to the employee who was in charge of recruiting us.

I wanted to integrate this company beacause I was intrigued by the banking environment.

So I've integrated the Wimereux's team and was quickly autonomous. My assignment consisted in advising the customers while trying to sell the various products of the company.

But I had a main mission: conquer the new young customers and sell products for the young people.

To reach my goals, I had to learn the various products of the company.

During my placement, I completed various secretarial tasks, I used the company's software, word processors beacause I had to write business letters, send mails...

And i met certain technical problems with the different products.

Fortunately, my colleagues were very friendly and helpful, they gave me various advice.

My tutor was happy with my results, I sold on average about ten products a week and I ended one of their annual objective, which was to sell 100 contracts of press.

I learnt a lot of skills during my placement, like well argue and how to bounce to sell.

Then it's not finished, i developed my relationship with others, it gave me more self-confidence and I take more initiative now.

There is a single negative point, it was the pressure to sell more always more, but I really liked working with people, to be in contact with others.

To conclude, it was a very good experience, especially for a first step in the world of the work. I learnt a lot of skills, i developed my sense of the relation.

And i was lucky to fall on a sympatique tutor, I learnt many things by his side.

This experience consolidates me in the optics to continue in this branch which is the commercial world.


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