- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

CCF D'anglais

Dissertation : CCF D'anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Avril 2013  •  534 Mots (3 Pages)  •  973 Vues

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Good afternoon

My name is ......., I am ......years old, and I live in Lyon. I study at ......... high school.

Today I will talk about extreme sport

I'm going to organize a summer camp for teenagers aged 13 to 17 years to discover extreme sport in new south waters. I studied three sports such as skydiving, diving and surfing.

I choose surfing because is a sport that involves riding breaking waves on a special board. The equipment for surfing is a surfboard and wetsuit.

Like other sport in the ocean, surfing can be dangerous. Waves and currents are not predictable and surfers can be injured or killed.

For surfing I chose Byron bay's school because it is well known for 35 years of experience and the famous teacher is rusty miller, is a surf champion en 1965.

The teenagers will like water. There are sensations and adrenaline the teenagers like it. I sent a letter to Byron bay's school and wait an answer.

Good afternoon

My name is.............., I am .........years old, and I live in Lyon. I 'm a student of................... high school.

Today I will expose you my training session report. My training session took place in GSFmercure, it started the ..............of ..........r and it lasted .....months. In order to describe my training session properly I will first establish a little background is a company that is present in the service sector. My company have done a lot of cleaning work for other company or particulars,

During my training session I have done a lot of accounting jobs:

I have managed some accounts payable

I have done some tasks regarding administration; I have also answered by the phone, and done same management.

The persons of the company have been really kind with me

To my mind there were no drawbacks, the sole thing that was difficult for me was when I had to use the phone or other anther accounting software. This was buy pack.

To conclude I have improved my skills and knowledge.

Good afternoon

My name is ............. I’m .......... years old. I live in Lyon. I’m a student of .................. high school.

Today I will talk about the environmental topic.

The Scientist Noticed that the climate changes in countries due to pollution consequently, Has the deforestation. They noticed that there are more and more tornadoes and cyclone and more and more dry in countries such as Africa.

Furthermore the cyclone and tornadoes are very violent and in countries African there's less and less rain.

If the temperature continue to rise there will be a destruction of the animal environment.

As an example: The polar bears will not sufficient ice-field to hibernate. Because the earth warms the ice which become water. Global warming is the decrease of the volume of ices and snows and increase of cyclones



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