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Biographie en anglais de Dyrus

Cours : Biographie en anglais de Dyrus. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Février 2014  •  Cours  •  334 Mots (2 Pages)  •  782 Vues

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Known for his Singed, Jax , and Mordekaiser play early in his career.

Nearly burnt TSM House down due to negligence on two separate occasions. [2]

During the Riot Season 1 Championship, he trolled by spamming laugh while playing Singed. [3]

A few days before IEM Hanover, Dyrus, who failed to qualify with Epik Gamer, was the only pro streaming LoL player. He pulled ~30k viewers during this time.

His favorite champion is Singed and was famous for spamming /laugh while playing.[4][5]

During the Season 2 Playoffs, he leaked two vital pieces of information about Team Dignitas' strategy to CLG EU prior to their Group Stage Match. He later apologized for the gaffe. [6]

Dyrus' mother once held rank 1 for Enchanters in Everquest. [7]

He considered Chaox to be his best friend even before joining TSM.

Use to be one of the biggest ragers in game, he has since changed but sometimes still rages heavily and has smashed his keyboard after dying once in lane.[citation needed]

Known to play with a pillow in his lap for comfort.

Is half Chinese.

In grade school, had the nickname "Dyrshawn"

Dyrus played top lane for "Chicks Dig Elo" during the 2011 World Cyber Games.

Has lost top lane in a best 3 out of 5 to Xpecial and Wildturtle. Losing all 3 matches to both of them making a total of 6 losses.

Known to be lazy.

Origin of Dyrus came from the combination of "SirDiesAlot" and "Cyrus".[8]

Has a deep voice, and has long periods of silence during his stream.

One of five players to have qualified for all 3 World Championships, along with Reginald, Xpecial, TheOddOne and YellOwStaR.


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