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Biographie en anglais d'Emile Zola

Analyse sectorielle : Biographie en anglais d'Emile Zola. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Avril 2014  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  442 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 038 Vues

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Emile Zola

Emile Zola was born April 2, 1840 in Paris, a Burgundian mother and an Italian father. Émile Zola spent his entire youth in Aix-en-Provence. It is French writer, founder of naturalism in literature

His father, François Zola, who works at Aix-en-provence, died prematurely March 22, 1847. The death brings the family in an unstable financial situation and upset the young Emile who is only 7 years.

From 1858 Zola moved to Paris. After two failures in school, he leads an uncertain life, he has no money, he is helpless. He finally enters the Hachette Publishing where he worked from March 1862 to January 1866, as a clerk and then rapidly as head of advertising.

He composed at that time several prose varied. He managed to publish in November 1864 a small collection of stories, Tales to Ninon. In 1865, he met one who will become his wife Alexandrine Meley. Decided to live by his pen, he left Hachette in 1866. In 1867, his first success came with Thérèse Raquin, which announces the Rougon-Macquart cycle. Topics covered by the press treats indeed the author of "pornographer" of "sewerman" or supporter of the "putrid literature."

After the 1870 war, which he did not participate because the son of a widow and myopic, he became parliamentary journalist. In 1872, that really began his literary career. Gradually his novels earned him the friendship of writers like Flaubert, the Goncourt, Daudet and Turgenev brothers.

The success of The Dram, published in 1877, the seventh volume of the Rougon-Macquart, pemet to become famous.

Outraged by the degradation of Dreyfus, January 5, 1895 at the Military Academy, he complains at the end of the year in three articles published by Le Figaro press campaigns against the Republic and the Jews. Convinced that the real culprit of the Dreyfus affair is Esterhazy, which is unanimously acquitted January 11, 1898, Zola published in L'Aurore two days later article J'accuse.


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