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BTS Sp3s: Devoir Anglais

Mémoire : BTS Sp3s: Devoir Anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Février 2014  •  283 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 323 Vues

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Question 1 :

1 : This document is an article. It is entitled « Should we all become vegetarians ? ». It dates from October 14, 2002. It is an extract from « Time », a magazine. It was written by Richard Corliss. The document is composed of five paragraphs.

2 : Devons nous tous devenir végétariens ?

3 : Today, there are more and more vegetarians in the world because they want a « non violent » diet.

4 : Even if the vegetarian lifestyle spreads increasingly, it will take time to reach everyone. The habit of eating meat, which concerns many people, will take time to disappear.

5 : To the right, on the botton, we can see the journalist's name. In the article, the journalist is present in the second paragraph.

Question 2 :

Number 1 : Vegetarianism is a growing trend.

Number 2 : It is important to eat vegetables.

Number 3 : Many teenagers become vegetarians.

Number 4 : Some vegetarians have become activists.

Number 5 : One day, we may all be vegetarians.

Question 3 :

- légumes = vegetables

- abandonner = to recoil

- en moyenne = on average

- le poids = weight

- abeilles = bees

- un moment = a while

Question 4 :

1. True : « last year the U.K. was home to 3.4 million vegetarians, or 5.7 % of the population, up from 2.6 % in 1985. » line 6 to 9.

2. False : « There are meat eaters who eat more and better vegetables than vegetarians, and vegetarians who eat more artery-clogging fats than meat eaters. » line 28 to 32.

3. False : « the vegans, who decline to consume, use or wear any animal products. » line 49 to 51.

4. True : « Maggie was ridiculed by teen boys » line 60 to 61.

Question 5 :

1. Their = movies of children

2. We = the journalist, the reader

3. Them = young girls

4. Its = complexities of vegetarianism

5. They = vegans

Question 6 :

Europeans eat less vegetables than Americans.


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