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Audi Side Assist (document en anglais)

Étude de cas : Audi Side Assist (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Février 2013  •  Étude de cas  •  208 Mots (1 Pages)  •  787 Vues

Audi Side Assist is a technology designed to help drivers to change lanes safely. Two radars, one on either side of the car, are mounted in the rear bumper. At speeds above 30km/h, these radars monitor the traffic in a zone which extends from around 70m behind the car to a point just ahead of the driver, and includes the so-called ‘blind-spot’.

However, Audi Side Assist does more than simply check for vehicles in this blind-spot. By measuring the distance and speed of vehicles approaching from behind, Audi Side Assist is able to calculate whether or not a change of lane would be hazardous. If there is no apparent intention by the driver to change lane, a light situated in the door mirror on the relevant side of the car is illuminated. The light provides information to the driver that there is a potential threat.

If the driver uses the direction indicator to signal that he intends to change lane, the warning light flashes more intensely, signifying to the driver that the manoeuvre he is about to make is potentially dangerous. The system works when the car is overtaking as well as when it is being overtaken, to ensure that the car can be safely returned to its lane.


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