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Assignment statistic

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Par   •  29 Avril 2019  •  Dissertation  •  1 899 Mots (8 Pages)  •  498 Vues

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Student Satisfaction Survey






              [pic 1]

Research conducted at the University of Mauritius by:

Ramkissoon Khevna– Team leader

Beharee Sanjana


Gopalsamy Adrian 

Heera Medhavni 

Table of contents

(You will find the Pilot survey questionnaire and Final questionnaire in the attached file)

Our focus and project goals

The main aim of this survey was to get information about “The satisfaction of University of Mauritius from Faculty of Law and Management students from the Faculty of Law and Management Year 1, with the security level on campus”. In order to do so, we set the following project goals:

  1. Gathering information from students related to the security facilities on the campus.
  2. Include clear and simple questions which are understandable.
  3. Choose a survey method, which would help us to get a high response rate, and more relevant data.
  4. Use resources effectively so as complete the research according to time planned.

Our focus was on mainly two things:

  1. Whether the students feel safe.
  2. What make students feel more insecure on the campus?
  3. Finding ways to improve the security level on the campus


The method chosen for the survey is Stratified Radom Sampling, which by definition is the dividing of a population into two or more strata according to some criterion, and subsamples are randomly selected for the survey. We divided our population according to three departments, law, finance and accounting, management, from which we randomly selected our sample.

The main reason why we choose to carry out this type of survey is because it is easy to collect data. Even though Simple Random Sampling is easier, we choose Stratified Radom Sampling as the sample is more representative to the population. It is also a better method compared to Systematic Sampling as each member have equal chance of being selected.

But some general issues that we faced are that it was quite expensive to print out all the questionnaires. And it is very time consuming as we not only have to distribute the questionnaires to relevant candidates but we also have to wait for them to give their feedback, which took some days. And we had to record the data and interpret it, for further analysis.

The Questionnaire Design

Customer Confidentiality:

The more the participant feels that his/her feedback is confidential, the more valid the answers are. It assures them that their honest answers will not get them into any retribution or negative consequence.

Questions set:

After choosing our sample, we kept our main objective in mind while crafting the questions:

  1. We choose to ask o limited number of questions so that the students are not bored by answering a long questionnaire
  2. The questions are clear and relevant
  3. The answers yielded should help use to make comparisons (between the genders, and the departments)

We included different types of survey questions. Through closed-ended questions, we gathered data about students’ age, gender, department that they form part of and number of years that they have been in the University.

We assembled students’ level of satisfaction with the existing level of security through Likert-type scales, whereby they had to choose between strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree.

Since we do not know about the in factors that make each student feel insecure, we choose to ask them through open-ended questions. This is mainly because, we assumed that each students’ level of insecurity will differ. We kept the same mode of question, to collect data about some suggestions that students would want to make to the University, in order to strengthen or increase the level of security on campus.

Pilot Survey

We selected self-administered questionnaires to collect data as compared to e-mails and posted questionnaires, we were sure to get a higher response rate. And, telephone or personal interviews are more time consuming.

To assess feasibility, reliability and validity of the questionnaire design, we conducted a pilot survey. The pilot survey was beneficial as it revealed certain errors in the questionnaire and it helped us to refine the questions before the final survey.

Some changes made after the pilot survey:

  1. In order to know about the respondents’ gender we included 3 options; Male, Female and Other. After the pretesting, the third option was removed because we found out that it was not really applicable.
  2. A few questions from the Likert-scale were changed because they were quiet alike to each other.


The overall response rate: (change the diagram: 1 for response rate, 1 for Question number 4)

We had a 100% of response out of which in all the departments. Overall, X% were male and Y% were female. All of them were below 18. Z% percent of the respondents have been studying in the University of Maurities for over a year but less than 3 year, while the rest having yet completed one year.
(change the diagrams and add the percentages)[pic 2]

The response rate for each question, department wise and overall:

The University of Mauritius provides no security for its students

[pic 3]

From the department of Finance and Accounting A% of students strongly agreed, B% simply agreed, C% were neutral, D% disagreed and the E% strongly disagreed,

[pic 4]

From the department of Law A% of students strongly agreed, B% simply agreed, C% were neutral, D% disagreed and the E% strongly disagreed,

From the department of management A% of students strongly agreed, B% simply agreed, C% were neutral, D% disagreed and the E% strongly disagreed,[pic 5]


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