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Article de blog sur un voyage en Angleterre.

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Par   •  8 Novembre 2016  •  Mémoire  •  324 Mots (2 Pages)  •  678 Vues

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Oh England 💕! What a dreamland! 💎I still remember my first sejourn in London was barely 10 years old, and it was the first time that i traveled by boat. ⚓️🚢

Once arrived at the center of the city the vibe made me realize something , and I told to myself : "this is the city where I'm gonna live" ❤️.

And in fact , now It's been 3 years since I live in London, 🚕 and I'm very satisfied with this life, of course the first days that I spent here were really difficult for me because I missed my family and my friends😟, but after a couple of week , I got used to😊.

So what about this fabulous city ?? For me London is the PERFECT city ever on several levels, especially the kindness of British people. I know lot of you guys think they are quite reserved and often boring people, but on the contrary ! I know not evrybody like their sense of humor but personally I love it ! 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

Now let's talk about that stupid stereotypes that lot of people believe, and I'm talking about the weather...No! It doesn't rain every single day!☔️ And No! British food is not bad ! 🍕 THANKS.

Let's move now to the reason that pushed me to go to London, of course it's my favorite city but there are other reason, mainly the universities 🚌 in London could help me to develop my skills and my abilities.

I olso visited a lot of monuments and museum to learn about British culture.

But I still have a part of me that likes to have fun so I've olso enjoy to go to some parks like saint James's park.👾👾

Without forgetting all that customs and British traditions, like "Tea Time"🍵 and "Breakfast Time"🍳🍴 which are the most preferred time of the day.

Finally I recommend this city to all those who want to finish their studies for a better future.


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