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Application for the position of Sport Management Internship

Dissertation : Application for the position of Sport Management Internship. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Février 2020  •  Dissertation  •  264 Mots (2 Pages)  •  540 Vues

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Damien Ducastaing
24 la Réthorée

77120 Giremoutiers
07 81 09 82 17

Aéroport international of Worth,
Mr Deloire,

Dallas, 28 January

Subject: Application for the position of Sport Management Internship


"The site is designed to raise the training and competition standards of young Dallas athletes", these are the key words that challenged me through this announcement, but also the strong reputation of your company in terms of facilities and very high quality equipment. Strongly attracted by this position of Sport Management Internship, I therefore send you my application.

Graduated with a diploma in sports event management and keen on Basketball, I carried out my last 2 professional experiences in this field, including one abroad.

Passionate about sports], it is thanks to my personal experiences that I was able to sharpen my skills in IT and management. My last professional experience, in a Sporif Paris Basketball club I was able to manage events from creation to establishment]. These experiences allowed me to develop my sense of organization and contact, but also, to acquire a certain rigor and good time management to carry out a project.

My studies allowed me to develop a certain culture of results, as well as a proven taste for competition. These skills were essential to me in carrying out my previous missions.

Being meticulous, flexible and Sporty, I would very much like to be able to put My Drive Nation Sports and your clients at the service of my good humor, my professionalism and my listening skills.

Looking forward to meeting you soon, to be able to express my full motivation, please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.



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