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Anglais: étude d'un article traitant le problème des ordures en Grande-Bretagne

Mémoires Gratuits : Anglais: étude d'un article traitant le problème des ordures en Grande-Bretagne. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Septembre 2014  •  453 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 825 Vues

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1) Faites un compte-rendu en Anglais du texte. Rédigez une introduction, le contenu du plan et une conclusion.

This document is an extract of a press article pusblished in The daily mail, on the twenty eight August of 2006. This article deals with the problem of rubbish in Britain.

Today in Britain there is a huge problem with the rubbish, they are not recycled by the all population and this is the time to change. In fact the government wants to introduce a new system to sort out the wheelie bin. They want to introduce a « rubbish tax » to the families, like in Germany, it consist in pay a tax for every kilo of rubbish whose not recycled.

This system will be introduced in Britain because of the number of rubbish whose increasing, every year an adult produces 600 kg of waste. And this waste isn’t recycling correctly; there is only 18 percent who are recycled and 8 percent who are incinerated. The all 78 percent go to the Britain’s landfill. And that is a huge problem because years after years the landfill fills. And it will be full quickly. So the only solution is to introduce this “tax”.

The implementation of this system is a solution to liberate the landfill and to encourage the English for recycling every waste that they can. But in this system people who don’t have afford for this “tax” will be hit with bigger bills and that is not really equal. A second reason why this system had limits is the problem of security. In fact people who don’t take out their bins can be viewed by criminals.

The English have solutions to preserve their environment. If everyone respect this new way of life, the waste problem will be solved.

2) Répondez en anglais à la question suivante : What do you do to protect the environment, at a personnal level ?

Today the protection of the environment is everywhere and it is very important to keep the world in good health. In my life I do some things to keep my planet in a good environment.

I never threw a paper in nature. I practice the recycling for bottle, paper ect..

When I can I take the bus and not my car to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. I prefer house with solar panels it is more ecological. To me the nuclear power plants should be deleted. In my garden I grow organic vegetables without pesticides and better for health. Wind turbines are not a problem for me; I find them well in a landscape. If everyone do things to environment the world will be less polluted.


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