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Anglais pièce de théâtre

Cours : Anglais pièce de théâtre. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Janvier 2019  •  Cours  •  825 Mots (4 Pages)  •  362 Vues

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Journalist : Hello, ladies and gentleman, welcome on BBC ! We are the 7th of january 2019 and we have this evening a special guest ; it is a famous, a talentuous actor ; it is XXXXXX !! First of all, xxxxx, thank you for being with us !!

Actor : You welcome, it is a pleasure !

Journalist :So you accecpted to answer our questions about your movie that has just been released yesterday, which is named « the seven pointed star ». I’d just like to make a brief summary of the plot. So the genre is a western. The action takes place in the wilderness, in an unchartered territory. Xxxx, you werre the sheriff of a ciy called Seven-Farms. Everything started when you learn that your village would be attacked by a team of bandit. But actually, this dangerous team was composed of famous cowboys coming from other movies or from the reality ! Indeed, theses gunmen were the dalton brothers, the two James brothers and, the worse was Billy-the-Kid. The sheriff had to struggle against them in order to protect the village. However he needed other reliable companions to defy them. Unfrotunately, no many persons wanted to fight with him against this ruthless outlaws. He finally found a few volunteers, and fought against Billy’s troup. Am I wright ?

Actor : Yes you are.

J : « The seven pointed star is one of your best movies, as it hit the box office. I t may be thanks to your talentuous film Director Woody Allen. Indeed he was already creating westerns when you were only a child, and you’ve even watched all his films. And 20 years later, he is making a new western, and he is asking you for the role of Jimmy Wayne. How did you feel when Woody Allen first asked you for the role of Jimmy wayne ?

A : Well, actually Woody Allen is the major fact. As you talled it, I’ve already watched all Allen’s films. In fact, I always wanted to play in a western, to be a cowboy, to wear a Stetson Hat, boots and to enforse the law.In fact it was one of my objectives in my career. I succeeded. Also the idea of gathering different charecters from other movies or from the reality was so interesting and exciting.

J : As we all know you had to perform the most important role of the film. So you had to work hard, and to appropriate your character. What was your first reaction when your first read the script ?

A : Well, I was amased of this role. I felt that I would have to play a man who is striking back in order to defend his inhabitants and to enforce the law. I was so impressed of Jimmy’s courage and audacity. I mean, he is trying to enforce the law. He knows well that it does not have sense to be lonesome and to defend his village. I liked the fact that Jimmy thinks that the most important is to work in team ; so do I. Moreover, he is fearless, and that is what need a good cowboy.

J : Now, I would like to ask you a question about the cast. In deed, rumour has it that there were many tensions between you and Leonardo di Caprio, and even that the producer threatened by the producer of beeing dismissed. Is it right ?

A : Absolutely not. Leonardo di Caprio is an important actor of the sector that I always respected. He gave me many advices during the movie making. I mean, everybody was engrossed in his role. The proof is that we got a good review, as we’ve hit the box


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