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Anglais littérature 02 2016/2017

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7AN16-Corrigé de l’évaluation en compréhension écrite 02

 [3.5 pts : 0.5 pt par ligne entièrement correcte. 0 si l'ensemble des réponses n'a pas été


a. a first-person narrative 

b. Jonathan Harker 

c. England

d. in the evening  " it was between five and six o'clock"

e. in a castle  + in Transylvania 

f. Count Dracula 

g. a master  + a noble  + a well-known person 

 [2 pts : 0.25 pt par ligne]

1. Jonathan Harker woke up.

2. He put his clothes on.

3. He went down into the dining-room.

4. He ate his breakfast.

5. He went into the library.

6. He looked at the books.

7. The Count entered.

8. They talked together.

He called the servants with a bell.

He chose a book to read.

 [10 pts : 1 point par ligne]

a. False. "extraordinary evidences of wealth which are round me"

b. False. "in none of the rooms is there a mirror. There is not even a toilet glass on my table"

c. False. "I have not yet seen a servant anywhere"

d. False. "a vast number of English books, whole shelves full of them."

e. False. "history, geography, politics, political economy, botany, geology, law" or "reference books"

f. True. "though none of them were of very recent date"

g. False. "You may go anywhere you wish in the castle, except where the doors are locked.

h. False. "I have come to know your great England, and to know her is to love her"

i. True. "ever since I had the idea of going to England" or "did I move and speak in your London"

j. True. "to tell me all about my new estate in London"

Cned – 7AN16CTPA0212 2/2

 [2.5 pts : 0.5 pt par ligne]

a. "You know and speak English thoroughly." "You speak excellently."

b. "I know the grammar and the words, but yet I know not how to speak them."

c. "I only know your tongue through books."

d. Dracula fears that if he went to England, people would see him as a stranger. He wouldn't be considered as a master



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