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Anglais: les jeux olympiques

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Par   •  26 Janvier 2013  •  469 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 084 Vues

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The Olympics

I chose to speak about the olympic games because news topic subject with the 2012 London olympic games.

I have divided my presentation into two parts. First i will speak about the olympic games with its symbols and values. Finally, I will speak about the paralympic games.

The history of olympic games

The Olympic games are believed to have begun more than 3000 years ago. In 1894, the frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin helped to re-establish the games. Today, the aim of olympic the movement is to promote peace, friendship and understanding between different nations through sport

The olympic games are held every four years or two years wite summer olympic games and winter olympic games. Last summer the host city was London in England. 205 countries were represented.There were 10800 atletes. The olympics were opened by queen Elisabeth 2 and opening ceremony was directed by Dany Boyle.

There are three different kinds of medals : Gold, Silver and Bronze.

The symbols of the olympic games are the logo, the mascots, the medals. The five rings represent the five continents : Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Oceania. The best athletes in the world are found in the olympic games.

A motto is a phrase which sums up a life philosophy or a code of conduct to follow. The motto of the olympics is « Faster Higher Stronger. »

The values of excellence, friendship and respect are the foundation upon which the olympic movement brings together sport, culture and education for the betterment of human beings.

The olympic games in London featured 26 sports, breaking down into disciplines and event.

The paralympic games

The paralympic Games were created by Sir Ludwig Guttmann a neurologist. He was for rehabilitation through sportwhen veterans and victims of the Second World War became paraplegic. The first edition of the Paralympic Winter Games took place in Sweden in 1976.

The objective of the Paralympic Movement is the opportunity for athletes with a physical disability to excel and achieve sports performance comparable to Olympic athletes. The Paralympics involve athletes with various disabilities. The categories are amputee, intellectual desability, wheelechair, visualty impaired and the « other »

The Paralympic Games bring together athletes with disabilities from all countries for handisport events.

There are many different sports : wheelchair dance, sitting volleyball Para cycling, judo….

My favorite athlete is Assia El Hannouni. She has Retinitis pigmentosa which means that she is almost blind, with less than one tenth vision in her left eye, and zero in her right eye. She also runs against athletes without disabilities, in 800m sprint events.

During Paralympics 2012 of London, she(it) takes away(gains) 400 meters then 200 meters, distance which she(it) had also taken away(also gained) in 2004 and 2008, by establishing a new world record of the discipline for her(its) category of handicap. Finally, 100 meters, she ends second of her semi-final behind the Chinese Zhou Guohua.


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