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Anglais juridique

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Par   •  9 Mars 2019  •  TD  •  2 254 Mots (10 Pages)  •  576 Vues

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Séance 1 

Questions :

  1. Shut down -> longer shut down on history (35 days) The federal government shut down.
  2. Illustration 3: foods are offed to federal employees and families because government can’t payed their employees. Budget is blocked. They must work but for free. Illustration 1/4: give an aspect of the definition of shut down. Illustration 2: Illustrate the separation inside of the Congress, the division between the population and between Democrats and Republicans. Illustration 1: Computer metaphor. White house and the Congress, executive and legislative power. Illustrate a problem of communication. It’s illustrate a disagreement between White House and Congress. Government is in a gridlock/ an impasse/ a stalemate (problem of strategies).
  3. Government can’t pay -> federal employees -> Democrat blocked Republican -> Congress blocked White House. Suspension of activity of non-essential federal government operation + agencies. It’s correspond of ¼ of federal government affected.
  4. A) The division. The US Congress have the power to decide how money must be spend. They agree or not. Failure of US Congress to vote federal budget (presented by executive branch) to fund federal government for 1 fiscal year. US Constitution – power of the purse (le pouvoir de la bourse) of US Congress. Article 1 section 9 « No money shall draw from the Treasury (ministère des finances), but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law”.  No money spent by federal agencies unless funds authorized + appropriated by US Congress. If there is no agreement between executive branch legislative branch -> Government shut down. Illustration of 2 constitutional principles: Separation of powers and checks and balances.
    B) People are not payed for those who work for administration.
    Federal programs and agencies affected. Federal workers affected. 800 000 civilian federal employees on furlough (do not work, no paid = chômage technique) or forced to work without pay. US economy affected: $11billion dollars and $3billion permanent loss. Seriousness of situation: executive/legislative branches of government forced to negotiate. Occasionally, bipartisan compromised
  5. Midterm elections. The Congress -> Election members -> Important because majority can be for or against the President. Majority change, democrat have it (in the House). So, democrats are against Trump’s politic. 435 Representatives (2 years terms), 1/3 of Senators (6 years-terms). Results Republicans increased majority at Senate. Democrats won majority at the House.
  6. Nancy Pelosi is handed the gavel by the House of Republican leader Kevin McCarthy after being elected as the speaker of the US House of Representatives on January 3, 2019. To-ranking position in the chamber. Communicates with US President + US Senate. She represented the opposition. Helps set the party’s legislative agenda. Main opponent to D. Trump’s policies. Leader of branch of government equal to chief executive, 2nd presidential line of succession after Vice President. The only woman House speaker. Most powerful elected woman in American political history.

Séance 3:

  • SOTU address outlines
  • Administration’s accomplishments over the previous year.
  • Agenda for the coming year (cf Speech from the Throne (UK) the queen delivered a speech)


  • Multiple reasons leading to American revolution
  • Geographic + Cultural reason
  • In 13 colonies, growing feeling of political autonomy + independence from Britain
  • Conflicts between governors (representing Britain) / local assemblies

  • Political
  • Philosophical
  • Economic


1a) The British Constitution. The English Bill of Rights was an act signed into law in 1689 by Williams III and Mary II, who became co-rulers in England after the overthrow of King James II. The bill outlined specific constitutional and civil rights and ultimately gave Parliament power over the monarchy.

Bills of Rights.



1) Who was the reigning monarch?

James II -> Mary II (his daughter) and Williams III.

King James II (1685-1688) son of King Charles I.

2) Who was the Duke of York? Why was he legitimate?

His heir (un héritier). James II’s heir. Right (to inherit throne) ordained by God. Theory of divine right of kings.

3) What institution did the King oppose? What decision he made?

Parliament. No one will rule without Parliament.
dissolved by king James II (1687)

4) What happened to the King?

King James II -> overthrow.
James II deposed by Parliament. James II converted to Catholicism. Ruled without Parliament he was an absolute monarch. Made pro-Catholic decision. 1688: birth of son = Catholic heir to the throne. Threat to Anglican England.

James II was deposed by Parliament. Replaced by William of Orange + Mary II = protestant monarchs.

Event = “The Glorious Revolution”.
+ Condition imposed by Parliament for Williams + Mary of Orange to be crowned = sign Th English Bill of Rights. -> Limited powers of Monarch. Established absolute sovereignty of Parliament. Guaranteed basic civil liberties. Eg: no taxes imposed without consent of Parliament.

System of government Bill of Rights ultimately led to establish = Constitutional monarchy.

To seek, sought, sought = chercher, rechercher quelque chose

Ce qui existait -> That existing/the one existing

1b) absolute sovereignty. Many experts regard the English Bill of Rights as the primary law that set the stage for a constitutional monarchy in England. It’s also credited as being an inspiration for the U.S Bill of Rights. Constitutional monarchy meaning the king or queen acts as head of state but his or her powers are limited by law.

2) “remained” = demeurer
Customary constitution = not in one document, mostly unwritten (ie not codified). The issue -> Various interpretation possible.


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