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Anglais devoir 4 cned

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Par   •  16 Février 2018  •  Fiche  •  329 Mots (2 Pages)  •  674 Vues

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Writing task :

Bob from the I-kid phone company, wants to sell his products in the United States, he calls Mr Smith,

the manager of another firm, to propose a deal :

-Hello ?, says Bob,

-Yes ?, says Mr Smith,

-I'm Bob, representative of I-kid and I have an offer that may interest you.

-I'm listening, what's your offer ?

-At I-kid, we have a new product, a new phone that we plan to sell all around the world, and we would

like you to sell our product in the US.

-It's an interesting idea, but will this phone sell ?

-Yes it will, it comes in multiple colours, kids will love it, it has a bigger screen than older models and

in our days it's generally the phone with the biggest screen that sells the most. We did the statistics

and it shows that around eight percent of the kids would buy our product in the first year.

-But what's the price exactly, generally when phones are too expensive they don't sell at all, expect if

there is already a lot of customers from previous products.

-That's the great advantage our phone has, around twenty-five percent of kids already have an I-kid

phone, and the price is relatively low, the products are made in China so the fabrication and

transportation of one phone only costs twenty dollars, so we could sell them at fifty dollars each to

you and you could sell them at eighty dollars a phone .

-But will the previous customers really buy the new model ? If their phone works why would they buy

a new one ?

-We have a solution for that, it's called planned obsolescence, our products generally don't last more

than two years so yes, they will buy a new phone.

-Well I can't say it doesn't seem interesting, we still need to think about it but from what you said it

seems like the perfect offer. We will verify the numbers that you told me, and we will call you later.

-Sure, it seems fair, I hope we can work together.

-So do I.


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