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Anglais: Mythe Et héros

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Par   •  22 Avril 2015  •  314 Mots (2 Pages)  •  980 Vues

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I am going to talk about the notion of myth and heroes. First of all i would like to give a quick definition of that notion. A hero is a man who is idealized for possessing superior qualities in any field. He represents stronger, the power and he is a model to many people. He must be help population for better and for worse. Have ambitions is a mean to fulfill dreams, have goals in this life. And a hero has achieved these ambitions. What are the positive and negative sides of ambition ? First, we're going to see the positive sides of ambition. Finally, we're going to speak about the negative sides of ambition.

The ambition is positive when it pushes us to achieve goals. These objectives must give meaning to our lives. Being ambitious is use out strenghts and talents to succeed. For example, I can have the ambition to succeed my professional life. I want to go at prestigious university. So I'm going to work to achieve my dream. The positive ambition allows successful career and this project in the future. This ambition is extremely positive because we also have a sense of accomplishment stronger an you feel happiers.

However, the ambition can be negative when we want to have always more : a bigger car, a bigger wages, more power. For example, A group of conspirators Brutus killed Julius Caesar. Brutus is son of Caesar but he wants power and money from his father. Brutus ambition is serious defect. The negative ambition is also often associated with ruthlessness. It can block out human feelings such as friendship, respect for others, or compassion. Finally, the individual who wants power at any price is alone.

In conclusion, the ambition is neither good nor bad. It all depends on the ambition we have and the importance it plays in our lives.


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