- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Anglais Jod

Fiche : Anglais Jod. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Janvier 2016  •  Fiche  •  313 Mots (2 Pages)  •  445 Vues

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-Hello, nice to meat you

-Why did you apply for this job ?

-I’m applying for this sale job in your company because I need to make some money to pay my law studies, and I really like fashion.

-Do you have any experience on sale ?

No, I haven’t experience in selling but I did babysitting, do you give training classes.

Yes, we do. Do you speak several languages ?

Yes, I’m speaking french and Spanish. What is work schedule in general for a sale person ?

You work every days form 9 to 4 pm.

I think it’s good, would I need to work every weekends ?

Yes, because you can sale more on weekend but the store is close on Mondays.

It’s not a problem for my, and what are my hourly wages ?

Minium wage but you will have a percentage on sales.

What are my tasks ?

You folding the goods, consult costumer and most important is selling. Do you enjoy working with other people ?

Yes, I like the contact with people, speaking with us, I think is important for selling and after they come back for buy.

What would you do if you had an angry costumer ?

I would try to calme him and try to understand with the people is angry.

That is good, and finally do you think you are qualifite for this job ?

Yes, I think so, because I am helpful, flexible, hard-working and punctual. And further more I love to shop in your store.

Thank you…

And for that matter, do you give store discount for employees ?

Ah Ah, actually, we do give 20 percent discount car after a month on the job.

Oh it’s really good…

Yes, thank you, We going to call you later for know if you are start working in this company, but don’t worry.

Thank you too, bye

Bye see you later


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