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Anglais: Exercice BTS

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Par   •  20 Avril 2015  •  1 314 Mots (6 Pages)  •  1 666 Vues

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Work on the tittle

1) Identify the source of the document (title, date, nature).

2) Look at the headline and read paragraph 1.Why could parents and non-parents compete?

Check the facts

1) Read §1

What do some parents ask their employers?

2) Read §2

How can companies avoid friction?

3) Read §3

Which time-off policy is presented in paragraph 3?

4) Read § 4

What is said about employees who need time off?

5) Read § 5,6

What do managers do in order to be flexible? In which consequences?

6) Read § 7

What is a PTO (paid time off) plan?

7) Read § 8

How could employees be discriminated against?

About Work

Do you know others types of workplace discrimination?

Topic Debrief

1) Choose the sentence which you think corresponds best to the main topic of the document

a) Parent employees and non-parents are always two opposed groups.

b) Employers who have a paid time off policy have no conflicts to manage

c) It is difficult to hire mothers and be satisfied

2) Write an introduction to the document by using the word bank

Small business – time off – children – elderly – parents – discrimination – parent employees – non-parent employees – work done – employers – request

NEW YORK (AP) -- With schools around the country back in session, parents who work at small businesses will be asking for and receiving time off for soccer games and class plays -- possibly leading to some friction because other workers don't have such ironclad reasons for leaving early.

Business owners and human resources executives say companies can avoid such problems with equitable time-off policies -- in other words, by recognizing that all employees regardless of their personal circumstances need a work-life balance. Encouraging an atmosphere of mutuality and goodwill among co-workers can also head off conflicts and resentments when one staffer leaves early.

Colleen Haviland, founder and president of Xsell Resources Inc. and Ready to Hire, two businesses in Willow Grove, Pa., sees no difference between giving parents time off for a child's game and giving childless workers time to go to sporting or theatrical events."No matter if it's children or any type of other commitment, we all have a real life outside of work," Haviland said. "Everyone needs to support each other in their real life in order to have synergy in the workplace."

She sees this kind of approach as an integral part of fostering good relationships with staffers. "If they're a good employee, when they're here they give 110 percent, so you should make exceptions for them," Haviland said.

At Kel & Partners, a Hopkinton, Mass., a marketing services agency, "We don't limit flexibility to parents," President Ginny Pitcher said, noting that some staffers need time off to care for elderly parents or grandparents. "We've built a mutual foundation of respect between employees." Pitcher said employees who need time away from the office make sure they get their work done, and they don't dump responsibilities on co-workers. As a result, she said, when a parent takes time off for a child's baseball game, other staffers are likely to be asking the next morning, "How did Justin dofi Did he pitch well"

Similarly, another staffer who needs time to care for an ill grandparent is likely to be asked, "Can I help you outfi" she said. Pitcher said staffers don't try to take advantage of the situation -- they'll be checking e-mail later in the day to see what they might have missed.

Bonnie Beirne, director of service operations for Administaff Inc, declared, "Typically, when you have a PTO plan, employees can


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