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Andy Warhol

Rapport de stage : Andy Warhol. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Février 2020  •  Rapport de stage  •  402 Mots (2 Pages)  •  540 Vues

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Comment on these words by Andy Warhol (The Philosophy of Andy Warhol, 1975):

“An artist is somebody who produces things that people don’t need to have but that he, for some reason, thinks it would be a good idea to give them.”

Andy Warhol is an American artist of the 20th century. He was an icon of the New Yorker underground and pop art schools. Through his creations, he was denunciating the consumption society. Let’s think about his quote. Is an artistic work, by Andy Warhol or any other artist, useful to the human being?

What is useful to human being? I think the Maslow’s Pyramid of needs illustrates perfectly the meaning of the artist: At bottom of pyramid, Maslow expresses the basic needs as food, drink, sleep, safety etc. All these needs are related to the survival of human being. I believe that the people reflecting this category are sensitive to artwork, but they are much more focusing on immediate needs. It is like bringing higher level of priority to basic needs. I also clearly think this is a pity that art is not accessible enough to this category of people.

On the opposite side of the needs, at top of the pyramid, we perceive the most spiritual and intellectual needs. The people reflecting this category, few in numbers, should be more sensitive to artistic works as paint, sculptures, music etc. The basic needs are fulfilled, and art is becoming a must. I truly believe most of this people are sensitive to art because of intellectual awareness. Unfortunately, some are just interested by art for the price value. It is well perceived also in some circles to be the lucky owner of a masterpiece! 

Art stimulate the senses whatever is the social level. Everyone has its own perception of a work of art. All enjoy having a self-interpretation of the artist’s messages. Art is universal, it contributes to self-development and happiness. Some lucky are owners of pieces but this does not bring any legitimacy of being more sensitive to art.

Finally, is a work of art a thing that the artist can “give” to others or just a gift from “heaven”? I believe that as soon as the artist finished his work, the pieces escape from him and finally belong to humanity. It is maybe the reason why some artists as Leonard da Vinci have difficulties to achieve their work of art. 


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