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Analyse d'une Publicité de Orangina (document en anglais)

Compte Rendu : Analyse d'une Publicité de Orangina (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Mars 2014  •  429 Mots (2 Pages)  •  5 869 Vues

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1. Introduction

For a few years now, Orangina has decided to change its marketing strategy because the brand had an old image with the bottle man. That is why Orangina adopted in 2007 a new advertising campaign in order to boost its sales.

2. Design

The main colours drawn in this ad are blue and yellow for two reasons. First, they are also used on the bottle. Second yellow is a warm colour, implying heat and relaxation; whereas blue recalls water and nature. Moreover, the slogan “Naturally Juicy”, very on view on the left corner and written with a blue rounded font, strengthens the pulp of this drink. On the middle, a doe is seated on an icicle which is melting because of the orange rays of the sun. This doe is not your typical kind of doe because it looks like and acts like a woman model who would be posing sensually with very little clothes on.

This entire scene really puts forward the product because it is pictured twice: on the right side where some bubbles are released in the air and the second one when the doe is drinking at the bottle with a straw. All these elements lead to a burning heat feeling so that drinking a bottle of Orangina seems to be the only way to quench one’s thirst and to have some coolness.

3. Message

The word “naturally” expresses the idea that Orangina is a healthy product for every generation. This idea is important because other competitors on soft drink market, such as Coca-Cola or Pepsi, can’t be considered as natural products. Then “juicy” displays a more sophisticated concept with the character’s sexiness and some lightness in the pleasure of drinking something refreshing. Furthermore, the advertising campaign is kind of innovating since the whole production is funny and wants to make consumers laugh. Therefore, all these notions can satisfy properly consumers’ expectations.

4. Target market

Orangina wanted to expand its target market and not only reached teenagers. With its new strategy “Naturally Juicy”, Orangina attracts more consumers, especially children and teenagers. The former because the characters are not human but animals and the commercials show brightly colours and a fancy world. The latter, since they like the provocation behind this ad. Finally, even if adults may be shocked by the erotic aspect, at least they recognize the brand. So they are more likely to buy this product in the future.

5. Conclusion

This new brand image is quite successful because Orangina increased its sales and got talked about in media. It is all the more true as Orangina has to compete with other big groups.


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