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Analyse De L'industrie De La Construction française (document en anglais)

Rapports de Stage : Analyse De L'industrie De La Construction française (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Mai 2014  •  492 Mots (2 Pages)  •  809 Vues

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Building Industry :

Industry Analysis:

See after, key figures of French Building Industry (source: French Federation of building 2012) :

With these figures, this industry represents a sizable component of French economy; in fact it’s twice more than bank and insurance industries.

In this industry, the active population is 1 505 000 hinged upon 3 categories:

• Workers,

• Managers,

• Directors,

See below distribution by qualification in Building Industry:

This figure shows us that category of Workers is the biggest in front of Managers and Directors. Their production represents €129 Bn in the following sectors:

• Building of new houses,

• Houses Maintenance and improvement,

• New building out of houses (offices, commercial buildings, farm buildings, etc…)

• Building Maintenance and improvement out of houses.

See after, the distribution of the global production (€129 Bn):

The “out of housing” produces €50 Bn and the “housing” represents €79 Bn which is the most important with €42 Bn in maintenance and €37 Bn in New building.

See below the distribution of new individual units buildings versus multi-residential buildings in 2012 in France:

This figure shows us that the number of new individual units and collective are quiet similar because there is a only a difference of 9000 units in favor of individual housing. Nethertheless,the number of buildings decreased by 30% since 2010 although the housing demand is increasing. That’s why the housing policy of Government is to build 2 500 000 new units in 5 years (2017) which 750 000 publicly supported housings; it means 500 000 units per year. But in 2012, the objective has not been achieved and the beginning of 2013 doesn’t show good prospects. The social consequence is high because in 2012, 13 800 employees lost their jobs (source INSEE) and it’s increasing. As I wrote at the beginning, there are a lot of players in the building industry and in front of this decreasing, only players who will take in account parameters evolution, will be able to sustain. To define acteurs et le process de la construction , see below the value chain of Buildings housings:

Evolution of housing building in France:

Construction Industry: heaviest weigh of the economy, credible for stakeholders,


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