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Afrique Du Sud (document en anglais)

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Par   •  18 Mars 2015  •  466 Mots (2 Pages)  •  711 Vues

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The subject I will talk about is South Africa, a country at the southern of Africa's continent. This state is located between two oceans, Atlantic at the west coast and Indian one at the East. South Africa is a country which has a hot and dry climate.

The flag has got six colors on it. It's the only one that's read from left to right for all the elements about his past are on the left of it, the actuals one are on the right and show clearly continuity to future. This is why the flag is so unusual and remarkable. Each colors represent a symbol. The black color means the people who were first on this land before colonization. Yellow one is about gold mines. The blue color and the red one stage colonization. White is the democratic symbol and to end, the green one means the way to peace.

Nelson Mandela was born on the 18th of July 1918 at Mvezo. He died on the 5th of December 2013 at Johannesburg. He is a South African state man as well as an historic leader from the fight against political system of racial discrimination called Apartheid. He was also president of South Africa republic from 1994 to 1999 after a marked life by an ever present discrimination which is and has made history of the country and his people. In 1943 Nelson Mandela joined the African National Congress to fight against political domination of the white minority and racial discrimination taken by her. He becomes a lawyer and takes a part in the fight against Apartheid's law settled down by the government from 1948.The 5th of august 1962 Nelson Mandela was arrested by South African police on CIA's information, he is sent to jail. After 27 years of detention in very hard condition, Mandela becomes free the 11th February 1990. Then he becomes the first black president of South Africa and set up a reconciling politic between black and white people. He was the most famous political prisoner of the world.

The Springboks (South African rugby team) won the New Zealand team, called All Black, they were for a long time one of the Apartheid's symbol. During the rugby world cup in 1995 they won in presence of the black president Nelson Mandela who wore a Springbok shirt. The latter has been supported them all along their match. It's dressed in green from head to feet that he gives on the playground the victory cup to the Springbok's leader.

Today, since the abolition of the apartheid regime, many actions were also undertaken to ensure that population in reconciled in peace. However observed that the social differences between whites and blacks are still very important. More than twenty years after the end of apartheid, some wounds are not yet healed.


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