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Discours : Abortion. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Novembre 2019  •  Discours  •  279 Mots (2 Pages)  •  496 Vues

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whether it is a safe or a risky procedure, abortion presents a very complex phenomenon that made The world testifies to the debate between its supporters and its opponents. which leads us to build our own opinions and beliefs about this topic based on these questions:

what does abortion means?

is it legal? is it humanly acceptable?

Basing on the fact that abortion is an operation that can be done safely under medical care and risky outside of it and it is ending pregnancy, No one can deny how it's really hard to determine whether we have the right to abort or not.

some people think about it as an inhuman action that facilitates ending someone's life. And if we tolerate it, it will spread just like a disease or an infection. It may increase illegal relationships since no one will worry about having illegitimate children or as said "Love children" . Well there is no love when ending their lives.

On the other hand many people ,and countries, think about it as a woman's right.she is the responsible for her decisions and for her body.

Whether it's a planned pregnancy or not she is the one to determine if she wanted to have the baby. and all what it takes is to schedule an appointment for an abortion.

but who is the responsible for the child ?

for me, and so for plenty of people, i think that every case is different and each one need a specific type of care. in my perspective abortion is allowed:

• if it's rape or incest with the lack of well established environment and human needs.

• When it's for preserving the women's health or saving her life.


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