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2 days in Tokyo

Étude de cas : 2 days in Tokyo. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Mars 2016  •  Étude de cas  •  916 Mots (4 Pages)  •  834 Vues

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Intro : Tokyo is a beautiful dream that we want to realize together, margaux and I. So, we are going to explain this future wonderful trip to the land of the rising sun! We’ll go five months in Tokyo, beginning April of course, because this is the best time to go there especially for the cherry trees.

For our first 3 days in Tokyo, we have planned everything. We will fly the 4th of April until Paris because there will be a correspondence and we will take a flight that will last 12 hours, we will leave at 8pm from Paris, and we will arrive at 3pm in Tokyo. There will have a jetlag of 8 am. We’ll travel in 1st class with JAL (japan airlines) company and the flight will cost €6,000 per person. We’ll arrive at Haneda Airport and we will go to our hotel. Our hotel is the Ritz-Carlton in the centre of Tokyo. We will choose a suite, the Club Millenia Suite at 850,000 yen, so € 7,000 for 3 nights. This suite is on the 53rd floor and we will have impressive views of the Tokyo Tower and the Imperial Palace Garden.

1 day : On the first day morning, we’ll eat a traditional Japanese breakfast with rice, miso soup, white egg, nori (seaweed), green tea etc...                                                                  Then, we'll go to the Tokyo Skytree. It is a broadcasting tower in Sumida-ku district. Since his opening, it is the second tallest structure in the world with his 634 meters tall, standing just behind the skyscraper Burj Khalifa. We will be 450 meters high and we’ll have a panoramic view of Tokyo.                                       On the afternoon, we will go to the Shibuya district, which is one of the most famous district of Tokyo. It is the fashion district, so we will do the shopping! It was founded in 1932 and has 208,371 inhabitants. We will take the opportunity to listen the famous song of Muse, Panic Station, because that is where that the music video was shoot.                                                                                 After that, we will go into a cat bar, which is a bar where we can take a drink and meanwhile caress cats! That is typically Japanese, and it is especially in Tokyo where there are many.                               On the evening, we will go to Shinjuku, which is another famous district. It was founded in 1947 and it is where the government of Tokyo Prefecture is. It's very lively at night, and there are many snacks and also bars and shops. We will go to a karaoke bar, which is a very popular place in Tokyo. Friends can meet together at night in the bars, where they can eat, drink and sing.

Day 2 : On the morning in the second day, we will go to Meiji-jingu. This is a Shinto sanctuary located in the heart of Tokyo in Shibuya. This sanctuary is dedicated to the divine souls of the Emperor Meiji and his wife, the Empress Shoken. It is the most famous and largest sanctuary worship place in the country, where they celebrate many weddings and ceremonies.

On the afternoon, we will go in an amazing place, another sanctuary but this one is for all the geeks and the gamers: the Sega Joypolis of Tokyo. This is a room that opened in 1996 on Odaiba Island with Michael Jackson for the opening. This place is not only consecrated to video games, you can also do some attractions. In the shop, we will buy some souvenirs, like Mario Bros plush for me, and Alice in a wonderland plush for Margaux. In the district, we will probably find a shop with many typical Japanese things like kimono and porcelain. Also we will buy manga like Death Note and Naruto, unusual objects as a mouth fake to muscle the face, and junk food that we find only there, like different flavor’s kit kat.


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