- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Turbin A Gaz

Compte Rendu : Turbin A Gaz. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Février 2013  •  827 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 135 Vues

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The wide use of electrical energy is one of the most important characters of each century and its large consumption considered and a feature of highly developed countries. Most of the governments and companies to complete the production of electrical energy and its distribution to help users employ it for different purposes: domestic, industrial and commercial. Although the thermal efficiency of closed gas turbine cycles was independent of the fuel used in the combustion process. (leung E., 1985) presented in his paper an investigation about the performance of open gas turbine. The principle result of his study was a correlation between the variation of the thermal efficiency with both hydrocarbon fuel and alcohol, and the fuel parameter C1+C2 taken from the equation of reaction. Practical and theoretical study of performance of simple gas turbine cycle for power generation performed by (Badran, 1997), for two power stations “Rehab and Rasha stations” at different load. The result showed that an increase in compressor inlet temperature yields to decrease in the efficiency & an increase in turbine inlet temperature causes increased in the work which in turn increase in thermal efficiency and decreased in the fuel consumption. Also when pressure ratio increased, the thermal efficiency increased up to a maximu8m value and then started decreased indicating that there is an optimum pressure ratio for a given value of turbine inlet temperature. (Rice, 1987) studies in his investigation a heat balance method of evaluating various open gas turbine cycle systems based on the first law of thermodynamics. A useful solution is presented that can be applied to various gas turbine configurations. (Lefebvre, 1985) presented in his paper an analytical study for the effect of fuel properties on the performance and reliability of several gas turbine combustors. Its concluded that combustion efficiency depend on fuel chemistry, but are strongly influenced by the physical fuel properties that govern atomization quality and spray evaporation rates. (Foster, 1990) studies an efficient, indirectly heated steam injected air turbine power fired with coal. The plant meet all environmental standards and generate about 35 kW. The plant offers high power without requiring condensing steam turbine and can operate efficiently. (Schefer, 2002) has studied the combustion process of hydrogen when blended with traditional hydrocarbon fuels in gas turbine combustors. The objectives of his work are:

1. Effect of the amount of hydrogen on flame stability, combustor acoustics, emissions and efficiency.

2. Establish a scientific and technological database for lean combustion of hydrogen-enriched fuels.

3. Establish the numerical simulation capabilities that will facilitate design optimization of lean premixed swirl burner. The approach was used to design and fabricate a lean premixed swirl burner that simulate the basic features of gas turbine combustors The results of study showed that ultra-lean premixed combustion is an effective approach to NOx emissions reduction from gas turbine engines. Hydrogen blended with traditional hydrocarbon fuels significantly improves flame stability during lean combustion and allows stable combustion at low temperature needed to minimize NOx production.


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