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Tim Burton La Vie

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Par   •  31 Octobre 2014  •  557 Mots (3 Pages)  •  774 Vues

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In 1976 Burton enrolled at the animator’s breeding ground at California’s Institute of Arts, in his second year he entered into the Disney animation program and, two years later, he joined the ranks of Disney animators.

A 90-minute animated film requires 129,000 frames, each individually drawn. Burton was one of many talented artists stuck drawing the same character, with minute differences, over and over again. He did not enjoy the experience.

His style did not fit, so he was let loose to work on his own projects, including 'Vincent' and a live-action short, 'Frankenweenie'.

Steven King saw 'Frankenweenie', passing it to Warner Bros, who employed Burton to make 'Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure', which was a success. Three years on, Burton’s vision gelled in the anarchic 'Beetlejuice', which was another hit, and Warner offered Burton the directorship of the eagerly awaited comic adaptation, 'Batman'.

Burton used his new popularity to get an extremely personal project, 'Edward Scissorhands', made. For the first time Burton had full creative control, having written the story and also produced the film. He was awarded the distinction of film artist. This was the first time that Burton used Johnny Depp in one of his films, a relationship that has continued until this day.

In 1992, he directed 'Batman Returns', which was a lot darker than the original proving how much creative freedom he had gained. This was followed by 'Ed Wood' in 1994, which was a tribute to the 'worst director of all time' - Edward D Wood Jr. Despite the film failing to impress at the box-office, critics were full of praise for Burton.

This was followed by 'Mars Attack' in 1996, which also failed to do well at the box-office but his next film proved to be a smash. 'Sleepy Hollow', which starred Depp, Christopher Walken and Christina Ricci, showed a return to the director's darker side in 1999 proving a success.

In 2001, Burton remade the classic 'Planet of the Apes', on the set of which he met Helena Bonham Carter. He had divorced his first wife in 1991. The couple are now engaged and have two children together.

Burton oscillates between Hollywood blockbusters and quieter, personal films not always rewarded with great box office success, but usually with critics' respect. After his parents died in quick succession, Burton made 'Big Fish', in 2003, the story of a man trying to reconnect with his dying father.

'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' included Depp as Willy Wonka, and proved one of the most interesting blockbusters of 2005. That same year, he directed his first full-length stop-motion film 'The Corpse Bride', written for Bonham Carter who voiced Emily, with Depp providing the voice of the male lead.

In 2006, Burton tried his hand at directing a music video. He directed the third single 'Bones' from the Killers' second album 'Sam's Town'.

The director undertook another project with Depp and Carter in 2007, when he directed 'Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street' - a musical take on the historical legend, which won numerous nominations for best director awards.

On 5 March 2010, Burton's 'Alice


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