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Rod Ferrell

Documents Gratuits : Rod Ferrell. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Janvier 2013  •  200 Mots (1 Pages)  •  970 Vues

Rod Ferrell is the vampire the most known for the American judicial history, the one that the media call the vampire of Kentequi. In fourteen years he creates a sect “the clan of vampires”, the teenager in the difficult childhood likes surrounding himself with follower of his age of which he drinks their blood during "black mass". Victim of sexual abuse in his childhood, he lives now in a kind of fantastical life where he wishes to take his revenge on the society and to become the quite powerful God among all the teenagers whom they manipulate consciously. But for this young vampire, he needs it more to reach the immortality, he has to commit a murder .He is thus going to massacre coolly the parents of one of his followers. At the end of his act, he engraves one "V" as vampires on the body of his victims with a butt of cigarette .Later, to question by the policemen, he enjoies telling them in detail his murder. Bloodcurdling confessions. Rod Ferrell will be the youngest person sentenced to death in the State of Florida.

Vampires are thus not only characters in movies or in books but sometimes they are real.


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