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Responsable de la logistique

Analyse sectorielle : Responsable de la logistique. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Juin 2013  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  322 Mots (2 Pages)  •  732 Vues

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Responsible of logistics, relationships with providers and technique. Manage the material and information for the good development of our project.

Work currently at “hotel Golf de l’Esterel” in south France.


The project is given the Partnership status and this for the following reasons:

- We are 5 people, each of the partners provide one fifth of the capital

- We are sharing costs, risks and profit earned from this activity

- We provide € 30,000 each

- - The headquarters will be at the following address: 137 rue Saint Martin 75004 Paris

- The social purpose will be snacks


For basic food Metra offers a large product base with significant promotions for catering professionals.

For fresh, it will be purchased from different markets of the city.

For kitchen accessories (plates, cutlery ...) will be bought from a local wholesaler.


To start our business we need a enough capital that will cover our expenses for the first year, first of all we will have to furnish, renovate and make our space ready to receive our clients, we will need to provide our shop with the necessary machinery, raw materials and qualified personnel.

Internet access will be paying and the space dedicated to this fact will be equipped with the latest equipment. To do so, we will need to have 8 computers, 4 MAC computers and 4 HP brand will must be available to customers.

The main activity is the internet, cyber will use a modem Digital Network (ISDN Integrated Services) which is a connection allowing better quality and speeds up to 2 Mb / s (access S2) against 56 KB / S for a classic modem

Aside heart of our business, internet access, there will be other activities source of income such as photocopying, binding, printing, scanner, fax. The customer will be able to print documents, chat via the web cam , surf, scan, fax, and work in an absolutely comfortable and modern atmosphere. That have all the office tools .


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