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Progresser dans l'entreprise (document en anglais)

Guide pratique : Progresser dans l'entreprise (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Février 2014  •  Guide pratique  •  689 Mots (3 Pages)  •  589 Vues

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First, a bit of background about me. I've been playing League for a little over a year now. In that year I've managed to climb to Diamond (s3).

The reason I'm writing this guide is because I notice, even at Diamond, that many players seem to have a general lack of understanding about the optimal way to set up rune pages, and the consequences of forgoing certain essential runes. I know it's a basic concept, but people still suck at it.

At the end of this post there will be pictures of a large variety of efficient sample rune pages for each role.

"Staple" runes (Essentially, runes that I consider top-tier.)

Marks (reds): AD, Hy Pen, Magic Pen, Armor Pen, Attack Speed, Armor

Seals (yellows): Armor

Glyphs (blues): MR, MR/Level, Mana Regen, CDR, AP/Level

Quints: AD, AP, Lifesteal, Movespeed, Health

"Situational" runes (Runes that can be used to counter specific champions or to maximize a particular strength of your own champion)

Marks: Crit Chance

Seals: Mana Regen, Health/Level (STRONGLY not recommended. Armor Seals are 99.9999% of the time the best choice.)

Glyphs: AP, Armor (pretty bad), Attack Speed (also bad), Magic Pen

Quints: Armor, MR (rarely), Armor Pen, Magic Pen, Hyb Pen, Attack Speed, GP10, HP/5

Understanding when to pick each kind of Rune:

Let's first begin by saying that typically, Seals and Glyphs are your defensive runes, while Marks and Quints are your aggressive ones. This isn't 100% true, but it is a good base mentality to view your rune pages with.

When you decide what rune page you bring into a game there are several factors you should consider.

What damage type is the champion you are directly laning against? AD/AP/Hybrid?

What damage type is their jungler?

Does the other team lean significantly towards one Damage type? (ie. triple AP, tank support, and an ADC)

Do you plan on building damage or tank on your champion?

The first three questions help you decide what Seals/Glyphs you want to run. If you are in bot/top/jungle you 100% of the time need Armor Seals. The only time you wouldn't run Armor Seals would be in very specific circumstances in mid lane. (I won't cover these circumstances, because literally 99.9% of the time it is better to run the Armor runes) The damage you take from minions and champion basic attacks, regardless of whether or not the champion is AD-based, is significant enough to make it mandatory to run Armor Seals. For jungle, it's blatantly obvious that if you fail to run Armor Seals you are going to get absolutely crushed by early camps, not to mention an invading enemy jungler.

Your Glyphs will generally depend on how much AP you're playing against. For top lane it's not uncommon to be able to run MR / Level against lane-game focused AP champions such as Shyv. As a jungler


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