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Pourquoi Beyoncé est-elle si appréciée par les femmes? (document en anglais)

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Pourquoi Beyoncé est-elle si appréciée par les femmes? (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Avril 2015  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  225 Mots (1 Pages)  •  562 Vues

Theme number 1 : Beyoncé.

Problem : why is Beyoncé so estimated by the women?

At first, I shall present you Beyoncé, in the second part I shall expose you the causes which Beyoncé supported and to end in my third part I shall express you him of that Beyoncé carried to Barack Obama.

Beyoncé Giselle Kwoles-Carter most of the time called "Beyoncé" was born on September 4th, 1981 to Housten in Texas. She is a singer, an author composer interpret and American actress. Beyoncé is married with Jay-Z since April 4th, 2008 and to two children.

Beyoncé supported numerous causes among which those of the leaderships. This support consists in fighting against the sexism or she(it) does not hesitate to say it during her(its) concerts. She(it) puts forward(advances) this cause in her(its) songs such as "Diva", " Single ladies ", and "Run The World".

The couple Crankcase (Beyoncé and Jay-Z) made a very generous of which during the American presidential election campaign for Barak Obama. What amounts to four million dollars. By making what, they become one of the biggest supports of Obama. Michelle Obama qualifies same Beyoncé as model.

This star is appreciated by the women because she supported them during the leadership, she always has the smile and this one knew how to keep her private private life. Beyoncé is in example for all the women.


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