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Napalmes Graffiti

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Par   •  3 Janvier 2015  •  282 Mots (2 Pages)  •  779 Vues

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The name of this tagge is Napalm.

This work dated 2004 represents three characters who are held the hand.Mickey Mous of left, the clown Ronald Mc Donald of right and both suprvise a nacked girl. From part its central position, the technique of the stencil in black and white and its nudity, this girl is the centrale point of the scene.

I choose this tagge because the girl comes from a picture which is famous to have won the prize Pullitzer in 1972. The picture immortalizes a grouo of children fleeing the explosions of Napalm on their village during the Vietnam war.

The girl runs arms wide open, the face was twisted by pain because of her burns.

There is, in this scene a lot of oppositions:

For example: there is an opposition between the fictitious characters that are Mickey Mouse and Ronald Mac Donald and the real character of the girl. The photography of archive, testimony of painful past, is embedded here between two mascots created for the only purpose to amuse.

It also opposition between the naked girl, who is a symbol of vulnerability and weakness and both characters the most known for America, symbols of power.

Banksy targets the general public in the choice of both mascots,

It is a message anti-capitalism and anti-war that gets free of this work. He invites us to think about the cultural impact of the American society in the world.

He wants to shock those who would support the political stands of the USA, as their implication in the Vietnam War or more recently in Afghanistan. Everybody know tagges is forbidden. But it cannot be denied that those of Banksy are the truths works of art and that they make reflect.


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