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Michael Jackson

Documents Gratuits : Michael Jackson. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Mars 2013  •  372 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 256 Vues

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Michael Jackson.

Michael Joseph Jackson is born in August, 1958 in Gary, Indiana; he is an American musician and entertainer. He is the son of Joseph and Katherine.

Besides, since he was a child, Michael was psychically and emotionally abused by his father.

He was never allowed to call his father dad but only Joseph. He had a really bad childhood.

He is truly a music legend. He became an icon at the age of 5 as a member of his family band The Jackson 5.

At 21 years old, Michael released the album «Off The Wall" which is considered has his First solo album. The album was a big success around the world.

He had become more popular than his brotherly group. In 1982 Michael Jackson released the world's largest selling album of all time, 'Thriller'.

The 'Billie Jean' music video, became the first video by a black artist to be aired on MTV,

This album produced 7 hit singles.

In 1983 Michael performed the now legendary moonwalk for the first time.

At 29 years old, he released Bad, began his first solo world tour and wrote his first autobiography talking for the first time on his childhood.

In 1991 he released his fourth solo album, 'Dangerous. He toured world again in 1992, taking his concerts to countries that had never before been visited by a pop/rock artist.

Despite his popularity and his brilliant career, Michael became the subject of several scandals. In 1993, he was accused of child abuse, 10 years later he was accused again. He was innocent.

Michael fifth solo album was named ‘HIStory’.

He got married twice. In May 1994 Michael married Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of, Elvis Presley and in 1996. He asked her by phone. He tell her ‘’ would you like to marry me? And she say yes.”

In September, 2001 Michael celebrated his 30th anniversary as a solo artist with two concerts to be held in New York, USA. And in October 2001 Michael released the album 'Invincible'.

He has sold 750 million units worldwide.

In 2009, Michael announced a series of comeback concerts.

On June 25th 2009 he died suddenly of a cardiac arrest. He was 50 years old. One billion people around the world watched his public memorial service on live television.


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