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Marie Curie

Compte Rendu : Marie Curie. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Novembre 2014  •  333 Mots (2 Pages)  •  872 Vues

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Marie Curie

Was born in Warsaw on november 7 1867, the daughter of a secondary, school teacher.

She received a general education in local shools and some scientific trainning from her father.

She became involed in a students revolutionary organization and found it prudent to leave Warsaw , then in the part of poland dominated by Russia , for Cracow which at that time was under Austrian rule.

In 1981, she went to Paris to continue her studies at the Sorbon ne where she obtained.

Licencia teshipin physics and the mathematical sciences.

She met Pierre Curie, professor in the school of physics in 1894 and in the following year they were married.

She succeeded her husband as head of the physic Laboratory at the Sorbonne , gained her doctor of science degree in 1903 , and following , the tragic death of Pierre Curie in 1906 , she teek his a place as professor of general physics in the faculty of sciences the first time a wolman had held this position . She was also appointed director of the Curie Laboratory in the radium institute .

The importance of Mme Curie’s work is reflected in the names rous awards bestowed on her .

She receinved many science , medecine and law degrees and honorary membership of learned societis throughout thr world.

Together with her husband , she was awards half of the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903 , for their syudy into spontaneaus radiation discovered by becquerel , who was awarded the other half of the Prize . In 1911 she received a second Nobel Prize this time in Chemistry , in recognition of her work in radioactivity .

She also receuived , jointly with her husband , the Davy Medal of Royal society in 1903 and in 1921, President harding of the United States, onof the women of America , presented her with one gram of radium in recognition of her service to science .

She Is dead the 4 July 1934.


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