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Malcolm X

Commentaire de texte : Malcolm X. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Mars 2014  •  Commentaire de texte  •  305 Mots (2 Pages)  •  810 Vues

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Malcolm is born the 19th may in Omaha (Nebraska), seventh children of a family composed of eight children.

In 1928, the family Little lived in Milwaukee when their house is fired by the Ku Klux Klan. They went to live in Lasing Michigan. His father, clergy man, is a militant of the universal association for the advancement, died, crashed by a tramway, pushed by a criminal hand. Louise, his mother, is interned in a psychiatric hospital a few years later.

Malcom is educated by a white couple; he is register in the Mason high school where he got good results. He was hoping to be lawyer but he renounced because there was racism in the education system. He left the school and went to Boston then Harlem.

In February 1946, he was arrested because of sale of drugs. He spent 6 years in jail where he studied the History and Philosophy. In the same time he discovered the Black Muslims. He converted to Islam and he took the name of Malcolm X.

When he left the jail, he entered in the organization of Black Muslims. He married Betty and he had 4 children with her. His elevation into the Black Muslims was quickly and he became the second of Elijah Muhammad and the spokesman of the movement.

Whereas Malcolm X became most influent into the organization, he contended with the leader because he wanted that the Black Muslims made more violent actions.

After that, he established the Muslim Mosque because he wanted an Islam more orthodox. With that he wanted emancipation of the black people and he was against the separatism. Also he created the “Organization of Afro-American Unity ” (OAAU) to give an international dimension for the struggle of the Blacks in USA.

He was killed the 21 February 1965 in Harlem by two members of the Black Muslims


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