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La supériorité de la Grande-Bretagne en finance islamique

Cours : La supériorité de la Grande-Bretagne en finance islamique. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Novembre 2013  •  Cours  •  202 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 137 Vues

With outstanding specialist expertise and leading global services and

academic institutions, the UK’s offer of excellence in Islamic finance

is truly unique.

This brochure provides an overview of the Islamic finance landscape in

the UK; mapping the sector’s history, its phenomenal rise and outlining

the unrivalled knowledge, expertise and experience the UK offers

across all sectors from education to international law and banking.

Business profiles from key industry players illustrate the exceptional

financial and professional services offered within the UK and provide

contact details for those wishing to find out more. As this brochure

outlines, the UK is determined to be the global destination for

Islamic finance.

That’s important, because the industry is set to grow significantly in

the years ahead. With a potential market base of more than 2 billion

people, it is not surprising that Islamic finance investments globally

are forecast to grow beyond $2 trillion in 2014.

The UK is well-placed to play a key role in this expansion. It is no

coincidence that London was chosen to host the 9th World Islamic

Economic Forum – the first time the prestigious event has been held

outside the Muslim world. This demonstrates – like the content of this

brochure – that there has never been a better time to take a look at

just how much the UK has to offer.


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