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Joseph Finder

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Par   •  14 Décembre 2011  •  427 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 188 Vues

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Joseph Finder

1) His life

Joseph Finder was born in the 6th of october 1958 at Chicago. He is an american writter and he wrote a lot of spy and buisness thriller.

He spent many of his early childhood in Afghanistan and to the Filipinas before his family returns to live in the United States : in Bellingham first, in the State of Washington and then in Albany, in the State of New York, where he was at the high school called Shaker.

Finder specialized himself in Russian studies at the University of Yale. He obtained a master's degree of Russian in Harvard Russian Research Center in 1984 and taught later in the university of Harvard.

Contacted by the CIA during his third university cycle, he became an intelligence officer and then a journalist specialized in the international questions of politics in the New York Times, in the Wall Street Newspaper, in the Washington Post. He wrote several speeches for Bill Clinton's presidential election campaign.

Turning to good account his knowledge of the ground and his numerous contacts to CIA as to FBI, Joseph Finder writes thrillers in the intrigues realistic as The Zero Hour or High Crimes.

Joseph Finder is one of the founders members of The International Thriller Writers Association. He is a financial adviser for the International PEN-New England. He is also member of an association called Former Intelligence Officers.

He lives in Boston in Massachusetts with his wife and his girl and he is a teacher in Harvard.

2) His most famous books

Joseph Finder's novels are always very informed. Joseph Finder is a big traveler and a specialist of spy and business.

His most famous novels are :

- The Moscow Club : published in 1991, it is now out of print. In this book, Finder imagine that the KGB deals a blow against the Soviet leader Gorbatchev. Six months after the publication of the book, the same thing happened in the real life. The Club Moscow has been published in thirty countries and became a best6seler everywhere in Europe.

- Extraordinary Powers : published in 1994, tells about the discovery of a Soviet spy in the highest ranks of CIA.

- The Zero Hour 1996 : it was the first novel ever wich has been writed with the official cooperation of the CIA and the FBI.

Having become famous in the spy novel, Joseph Finder changes kind by writing business-thrillers, thrillers which take place in the environment of a company. It is with those that he acquired the fame. The more famous are Paranoia, Company Man and Killer Instinct, three novels which became best-sellers world wide.


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