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Daniel Day Lewis biographie

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Par   •  7 Décembre 2015  •  Fiche  •  601 Mots (3 Pages)  •  684 Vues

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Daniel Dey Lewis

So, i'm going to present you Daniel Day-Lewis. He is a British and Irish actor, and he's the only actor who won three Oscars in his life.

I divided his biography in three parts :


_Beginning of his career


I. Childhood

Daniel Michael Blake Day-Lewis was born on 1957, the twenty-ninth of April in London but he grew up in Greenwich.

His father was a poet and a novelist, and his mother was an actress.

Though he was only 11, his parents sent him to boarding school in a private school in Sevenoaks in Kent (U.K). And, it was this boarding school that he discovered the three activities that he will love the most :


_ Fishing.

_ Acting.

When his father died, he had only 15 years old and tried to commit suicide.

II. A. Beginning of his career

His career began in the 80's when he go a starring role in "Sunday, Bloody, Sunday" which was directed by John Schlesinger. Then, he acted in little productions such as "Another country", "Dracula" and "Royal National Theatre". Eleven years later, when he played in "A room with a view" which was directed by James Ivory, he had already played in 4 movies such as "Gandhi" where he played a young racist thug, in "The Bounty" with Anthony Hopkins who's also his friend, and "My beautiful Laundrette".

II.B.His first Oscar

4years later, after he played in "Sunday, Bloody, Sunday", he played the role of the poet infirm/invalid "Christy Brown" and won his first Oscar and many other prices like "Bafta Awards" and others...

Then, he tried to played the adaptation of "Hamlet" which was written by Shakespeare but he left the role because of his anxieties.

II.C. His career during the 90's

Daniel Day Lewis met his wife, Isabelle Adjani at the begininng of the 90's, when he was 33. Three years after won his oscar, he played in "The Last of the Mohicans" which was directed by Micheal Mann. Then, in 1933, he worked in the first time with Martin Scorsese in "The age of innoncence".

Daniel Day Lewis refused many movies during the 90's such as "Philadelphia", "The list of Schlindler" and "The english patient".

Finally, after played in "In the name of the Father" in 1993, when he was nominated for the Oscar for "Best Acting" and a Golden Globe nomination for "Best acting" and other movies such as "The crucible" and "The witch of Salem", he decided to took a "semi-retirement" of acting during some time. Then, he moved in Florence, Italy and became a shoemaker.

III.His career from the 20's to now

After five years of absence and having turned down the role of Aragorn in all three films of "The Lord of the Rings", Daniel Day Lewis returned to the cinema and played under the directing of "Martin Scorsese" for the second time in "Gangs of New York" (2003). His role was again nominated for the Oscar and the Golden Globe for "Best Actor". Next year, in 2004, he played in "There will be blood" which was directed by "Paul Thomas Anderson". He made an amzing performance and won, for the second time, an Oscar for Best Actor and many other prices (such as : Golden Globe, Bafta Award etc).


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