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Commission pour la réconciliation (document en anglais)

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Commission pour la réconciliation (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Mai 2015  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  397 Mots (2 Pages)  •  510 Vues

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Reconciliation Commission. It was a court-like restorative justice body that was based in Cape Town and that was lead by the Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Witnesses who were identified as victims of gross human rights violations were invited to give statements about their experiences, and some were selected for public hearings. Perpetrators of violence could also give testimony and request amnesty from both civil and criminal prosecutions.

The Rainbow nation is an expression to describe the post apartheid South African nation that wanted to live at peace with itself and the world: his goal is democracy and equality. However some people consider that Afrikaners shouldn't be mixed, that's why there are also some white enclaves made by Afrikaners for Afrikaners. For example, Orania and Kleinfontein are two white communities where Afrikaners say they just want to keep their culture and give their children a "safe life".

In conclusion, we can say that South Africa has experienced many changes in the way that power was distributed and redistributed: from apartheid and white domination to power-sharing and the recognition of black people’s rights. We can say now that South Africa is a place where people with different cultures live together even if inequalities remain.Reconciliation Commission. It was a court-like restorative justice body that was based in Cape Town and that was lead by the Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Witnesses who were identified as victims of gross human rights violations were invited to give statements about their experiences, and some were selected for public hearings. Perpetrators of violence could also give testimony and request amnesty from both civil and criminal prosecutions.

The Rainbow nation is an expression to describe the post apartheid South African nation that wanted to live at peace with itself and the world: his goal is democracy and equality. However some people consider that Afrikaners shouldn't be mixed, that's why there are also some white enclaves made by Afrikaners for Afrikaners. For example, Orania and Kleinfontein are two white communities where Afrikaners say they just want to keep their culture and give their children a "safe life".

In conclusion, we can say that South Africa has experienced many changes in the way that power was distributed and redistributed: from apartheid and white domination to power-sharing and the recognition of black people’s rights. We can say now that South Africa is a place where people with different cultures live together even if inequalities remain.


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