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Biography of Steve Jobs

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Par   •  10 Décembre 2017  •  Fiche  •  473 Mots (2 Pages)  •  914 Vues

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Steve Jobs

Introduction :

In this presentation, I'm gonna talk about Steve Jobs, but not about his career with Apple, Next, or Pixar, we all know that. I'm gonna evoke his youth and the most important thing : his personnality.

We used to call him a extreme perfectionnist, irritable, erratic. Everything his hand touched turned into gold. Either it was computers, online music, or phones, Steve Jobs, a visionary and a peerless innovator, revolutionized all of its domains, and made his life a real legend.

Youth and studies :

Steve Jobs was born the 24 february 1955 in San Francisco. His father, of Syrian origins, studies the politic sciences, and his mother, of Swiss origin, is a Speech Therapist. Sadly, his mohter's father threats to deprive her of heritage if she marries a non-catholic. So, his mother decides to find adoptive parents, and Steve Jobs is adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs.

When he is 5 years old, his father teaches him electronic. Steve has troubles in school, so he asks his parents to change school, or else, he stops going to school. Like that, they're gonna change his school and move out to Los Altos, at the 2066 Christ Drive.

When he is 13 years old, he begins to have a normal education again. At this age, he is already very resourceful and smart, and give a phone call to the Hewlett Packard's president to ask him some pieces of a machine he's working on. Following this, he gets a summer job in an assembly line in Hewlett Packard.

At age 16, he meets Steve Wozniak, both share the same passion for electronic so they become friends.

When he is 17 years old, he leaves the school his parents pay for. His lilving conditions are very low, he has to sleep on the floor of his friends' apartment. However, he can now take only the classes that interest him, like calligraphy. That's because of this class that the Macintosh will have all of its beautiful fonts.

Personnality :

Steve Jobs was very far sighted, Steve Jobs saw the future. He wasn't talking about imaginary products that he wanted to create but he was just describing what already existed in his mind. He saw his products changing the world inside his mind first then he decided to bring them to reality.

Steve Jobs was not a tyrant. Some people call him like that and say that he is the reason why some Chinese and Taiwanese that work at Apple have horrible living conditions. I don't agree with that. First of all, these people don't work at Apple, they work for a subcontractor, like Foxcon for exemple. And that subcontractor doesn't make electronic products just for Apple, but for Sony, Microsoft, Asus, Samsung… Nobody's perfect, but someone that made things go forward like that, we can't insult him without realize how much he changed the world.


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