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Annotated Bibliography

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Par   •  5 Octobre 2017  •  Cours  •  410 Mots (2 Pages)  •  554 Vues

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Small Assignment 6: Annotated Bibliography

Fatoumata Camara

  1. International Institute for Sustainable Development (2017) Sustainable Development Retrieved from:

The International Institute For Sustainable Development website provides an array of information related to the essay topic that I have chosen; Sustainable development - myth or possibility?. The institution reports on international negotiations, conducts research, and engage citizens, businesses and policy-makers on the shared goal of developing sustainably. The institution’s website knowledge base links to reports, articles and research that will allow me to explore the topic of sustainable development’s possibility. By reading case studies and high-level sustainable development strategies from around the world, I will be able to formulate an opinion on my topic. The International Institute for Sustainable Development is recognized globally as a reputable non-profit organization with more than 100 international experts on their core policy research staff, associates and fellows, Reporting Services leadership and senior management. 

  1. Spaiser. V The sustainable development oxymoron: quantifying and modelling the incompatibility of sustainable development goals (2016)  Retrieved from:

Spaiser. V challenges the new sustainable development goals set out by the United Nations in 2015 by quantifying and modelling the incompatibility of sustainable development goals.  This journal article provides an alterative critical analysis of sustainable development to the materials laid out by the United Nations and other promoters of sustainable development. Referring to this journal will allow me to assess one aspect of measurement for sustainable development’s possibility.  This article provides important dissent and criticism to the current model of implementation of sustainable development. I will be able to use this information to further formulate an informed opinion on sustainable development possibility.

  1. Steurer, R., Langer, M.E., Konrad, A. et al. J Bus Ethics (2005) 61: 263. Corporations, Stakeholders and Sustainable Development I: A Theoretical Exploration of Business–Society Relations Retrieved from:

This is a relevant and important journal article for my essay because it provides an unique prospective on sustainable development coming from the journal of business ethics. The article explores how business and society relate to sustainable development. The article details an in-depth analysis of the sustainable development possibility from the business community by taking into account stakeholders and social responsibility. By reading and referring to this journal article I will be able to further develop an informed opinion on sustainable development possibility. By taking into account these various sources and perspectives I can make a compelling and professional case in my essay.


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