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Par   •  24 Novembre 2022  •  Dissertation  •  492 Mots (2 Pages)  •  209 Vues

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this is a story about a girl called anna royal

anna has superpowers she is kind and brave and helps everyone in the city of London

anna has a little sister chelsea and an older brother kayden

in anna's family only the nicest family members have superpowers

anna's sister chelsea is very jealous of her sister because she has superpowers because she can be invisible and read other people's minds chelsea is very jealous of anna because she too would like to have these superpowers.

her brother kayden is also very jealous of her sister anna because she has great strength and is very fast

anna knew very well that she caused a lot of jealousy in her brother and sister

but anna loves chelsea and kayden very much

In the Royal family you can lose your superpowers if you kill anyone unless you kill an evil superhero.

So kayden and chelsea are going to set a trap for their sister, anna, by making anna's best friend, elisabeth, look like a superhero villain. kayden and chelsea made elisabeth think it was a game and that anna was going to kill her for real and that elisabeth shouldn't react.

the next day....

the sun rose in the city of London that day it was very sunny you could hardly see anything because of the sun's rays that were hitting very hard  

kayden and chelsea went to see their sister anna that there was a bad girl and that she wanted to kill chelsea and kayden so anna rushed outside and went to see the bad superhero elisabeth was wearing a mask you couldn't recognize her anna approached elisabeth and saw the orange hair colour of elisabeth she was the only girl in London who had this orange hair colour with a purple hair anna approached Elizabeth and asked her to take off her mask she took it off and was surprised to find Elizabeth dressed as a villain anna asked her why she was dressed as a villain and explained what kayden and chelsea had asked her to do anna understood her brother and sister's purpose she was furious she went to see them and chelsea and kayden regretted their action terribly

 so he confessed the truth to anna and they got back together

all of a sudden

kayden and chelsea had a terrible headache and anna was very concerned and told them that it was normal because she had a super power that was going to happen because they had told the truth

tout d un coup

kayden et chelsea avait tres mal a la tete anna estait tres inquete est leur dis qu c normal car elle super pouvoir allait arriver car il ont dit la veriter kaydn et chelsea avait eu les meme super pouvoir que leur soeur anna il fut plus heureux que jamais est a trois il sauvait la ville de londre de tout les mechant de la ville .

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