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Anglais, harassment

Synthèse : Anglais, harassment. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Mars 2020  •  Synthèse  •  301 Mots (2 Pages)  •  385 Vues

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Cold case ?

what is harassment?

Harassment is defined as repeated violence that can be verbal, physical or psychological. This violence is also found in the school. It is the act of one or more students against a victim who cannot defend himself.

But we will no longer focus on school bullying.

take for example the case of the little boy who wanted to "join the good Lord", which was closed without further action.

A viral video where a seven-year-old child cries in front of the camera, saying that he wants to end his life had gone around the web. The complaint filed by his parents was finally dismissed.

In November, a few days after National School Harassment Day, Alban's video, seven years old, had largely moved social networks. It had been retweeted a million times. The sequence is unsustainable. It shows a seven-year-old boy crying in front of a camera, explaining that he is harassed daily in his playground. He says he is no longer in power of one of his comrades who "keeps hitting him every day" and asserts that he wants to end his life to "join the good Lord". According to information from the Parisian, the boy implicated in the video as a stalker is heard on Thursday by the gendarmes of the city where he lives.

The boy shown on the video and his two brothers are attending a private Catholic school in Aisne and the harassment has been going on for several months. A complaint was even filed last month with the gendarmerie by the child's mother. Moreover, this would not be the reason for the broadcasting of the sequence on the Internet. According to our information, it was the boy's sister who initially posted this video on Facebook, before removing it.

Unfortunateny this example is one of the many cases of stalking


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