- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC


465 Anglais dissertations gratuites 331 - 360

  • Résumé The Fun they Had de P. Asimov

    Résumé The Fun they Had de P. Asimov

    You have a voice 1-The young people in this video are : * Greta THUNBERG is an autistic girl and activist for ecology. She is born in January 3rd, 2003 in Sweden. She is fighting for the climate change and the global warming. * Salvador GOMEZ-COLON is born in Puerto

    390 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Review of the movie : The Whale

    Review of the movie : The Whale

    Review: The Whale I saw this movie yesterday and I cannot stop to think about it so I am going to write about it, like a review. (I’m going to ask myself some questions because if I do not do that I will certainly talk about the movie for more

    1 608 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Royaume Uni, monarchie parlementaire

    Royaume Uni, monarchie parlementaire

    Royaume-Uni : Monarchie parlementaire Elizabeth II - 1952 Accession au trône, record du plus long règne (battu en 2015) Chef d’état * Nomme son PM * Rôle représentatif * Rôle consultatif * Commandant en chef des armées * Gouverneur Suprême de l’Eglise Anglicane Monarchie encadrée 1215 : Magna Carta (grande

    2 361 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Royaume-Uni : Monarchie parlementaire

    Royaume-Uni : Monarchie parlementaire

    Royaume-Uni : Monarchie parlementaire Elizabeth II - 1952 Accession au trône, record du plus long règne (battu en 2015) Chef d’état * Nomme son PM * Rôle représentatif * Rôle consultatif * Commandant en chef des armées * Gouverneur Suprême de l’Eglise Anglicane Monarchie encadrée 1215 : Magna Carta (grande

    2 361 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Rural fragmentation Texas

    Rural fragmentation Texas

    Rural fragmentation refers to the process of breaking up large areas of rural land into smaller, disconnected parcels that are owned by different individuals or corporations. This can happen due to a variety of factors, including the construction of roads, highways, and other infrastructure that make, previously undisturbed rural land

    419 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Safety at work : exercice à trous

    Safety at work : exercice à trous

    Vidéo « SAFETY AT WORK » 1- The man ……………………. (glisser) on the wet ground. He ………. be more cautious (conseil) He ………. avoid to walk where the ground is soaked ( interdiction) 2- The man ………………… (trébucher) in an electrical wire and …………… (blesser) his colleague ! His behaviour

    324 Mots / 2 Pages
  • School Is Necessary to Become Successful in Life

    School Is Necessary to Become Successful in Life

    School Is Necessary to Become Successful in Life 1 – How do you define success? Everyone has a different definition of the word. 2 – Education is a thing which is required in every sector. Most carers require a degree (college or university). The number of employers requiring a postsecondary

    321 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Science et scientifiques (1870-1914)

    Science et scientifiques (1870-1914)

    Colle histoire : Science et scientifiques 1870-1914 Introduction Lors du premier congrès de l’Association française pour l’avancement des sciences (AFAS) réuni à Bordeaux en 1872, Jean-Louis-Armand de Quatrefages de Bréau, zoologiste et anthropologue français déclara : « La science est aujourd’hui partout ; elle tend de plus en plus à

    2 958 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Scrabble on the Moon

    Scrabble on the Moon

    What a fascinating question! While it's not possible to play Scrabble on the Moon in the classical sense, I can offer some creative and imaginative ideas on how to play a lunar version of Scrabble. Keep in mind that these are purely fictional and not meant to be taken literally.

    455 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Self-driving cars

    Self-driving cars

    Introduction En anglais : Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about self-driving cars. Have you ever heard of a car that can drive itself? That's what we're going to learn about. Self-driving cars are vehicles that can move without a human driver. They use special technology to understand the

    1 058 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Séquence : Job Hunting Séance 5 : Erasmus+

    Séquence : Job Hunting Séance 5 : Erasmus+

    Séquence : Job Hunting Séance 5 : Erasmus+ Anticiper – image HOMO ERASMUS Describe the picture and react. Deduce the meaning of the word Erasmus. Students need to apply to universities That have partnerships with their and To a scholarship (=bourse) 1 semester Or 1 academic year ERASMUS Enables you

    4 035 Mots / 17 Pages
  • Should children be allowed to use the internet?

    Should children be allowed to use the internet?

    Should children be allowed to use the internet? 1. Introduction Hello everybody. Today we are going to talk about a very sensitive topic which is “should children be allowed to use the internet?”. 2. Why should we let children use the internet ? The internet can be wonderful for kids.

    555 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Should famous people’s trails be always conducted in closed walls?

    Should famous people’s trails be always conducted in closed walls?

    English Subject n°7 Should famous people’s trails be always conducted in closed walls? For me it’s a no. But everything depend on how you interpret the word “famous”. If we are talking about people that are famous because of their work, their job etc I don’t think it is a

    304 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Singapour


    Singapore Singapore called the Republic of Singapore is a country in South East Asia. The area of this city-state is 724 km and includes 63 islands. Its total population was 6 million and makes it the second highest population in the world among independent states. Singapore is located between Malaysia

    359 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Singers of the 80's

    Singers of the 80's

    Robert Dylan was born in 1941.Known as Bob Dylan, he is an American singer songwriter. His career last more than 60 years. He released some albums of contemporary gospel music before returning to his more familiar rock-based idiom in the 1980s. Tupac was an American rapper. He is widely considered

    332 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Sketch inflation with animals

    Sketch inflation with animals

    Sketch inflation with animals Here is a sketch about inflation that you can present in class : As if that weren't enough, inflation really decided to bother us all the way by also affecting animal feed! no, no, we're dreaming, it's not possible! no because I'm not telling you the

    315 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Social mobility in U.K.

    Social mobility in U.K.

    What about social mobility in U.K? Social mobility refers to doing better or worse in terms of life outcomes than one's parents. An often-used indicator of social mobility is "intergenerational income elasticity" (IGE), which measures children's dependence on parental income. The higher the GOI value (closer to 1), the lower

    991 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Soft power

    Soft power

    Nowadays, lots of countries, especially the small countries, search for a way to improve their soft power. Indeed, it is a means for small states to exist and become visible on the global stage. So, the advertisement highlights this topical subject. At the beginning, the commercial represents the FIFA World

    250 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Soleil de scorta

    Soleil de scorta

    PROGRAMME LITTERATURE 2DE 2023-24 I. LE ROMAN ET LE RÉCIT DU XVIIIe AU XXIe. * OI : Eugénie Grandet de Balzac * OI : Le soleil des Scorta de Laurent Gaudé * Prolongement de la perspective historique et culturelle : GT : «Le récit amoureux, du XVIIIe à nos jours

    789 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Speech : graduation day

    Speech : graduation day

    MY COMMENCEMENT SPEECH President Brown, members of the Yale faculty, teachers, parents, friends and most importantly, the class of 2056, congratulations. I am deeply honored to be a part of this wonderful celebration. I’ve always believed in second chances, and being here today, 32 years after my graduation day really

    394 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Speech en anglais présentant les conditions de travail

    Speech en anglais présentant les conditions de travail

    Good morning everyone, My name is mathieu and i am a video workers in easport i’m 24 years and i want to share We have gathered here today to address a pressing issue in our industry( EA SPORT) the exploitation of video game workers. From long hours of crunch time

    285 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Steel industry

    Steel industry

    Introduction : The global metals industry is a mainstay of the world economy, providing the basic materials needed to manufacture a wide range of products, from automobiles to infrastructure to electronics. The industry is characterized by high demand, intense competition and constant technological advances. Overview : The global metals industry

    823 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Stereotypes in Europe : Myths and reality

    Stereotypes in Europe : Myths and reality

    Stereotypes from Europe : Myths and reality Good afternoon, everyone. Today I will present you various famous stereotypes regarding this month’s topic, Europe, while of course explaining each of their historical origins. As we know, Europe is a big continent, made up of so many countries, and each nation has

    823 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Synthese OGM Anglais

    Synthese OGM Anglais

    A GMO (genetically modified organism) refers to an organism whose genetic make-up has been modified in an unnatural way. In nature, each living organism, animal or plant, has genes that define its size, colour, resistance, etc. In the case of GMOs, a gene has been modified by man. This makes

    599 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Synthèse sujet Barbie english for commerce

    Synthèse sujet Barbie english for commerce

    Barbies/Doll Barbie is a cultural icon which was created in 1945 by Ruth Handler. Ruth Handler was born in Poland. She immigrated in the United States. She could not attend University. She started as a secretary and when she was thirty, she created the brand we know today. Ruth Handller

    466 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Synthèse sur les transports au Royaume-Uni

    Synthèse sur les transports au Royaume-Uni

    Nowadays, getting around is very important, so we need fast, ecological means of transportation that evolve with the times. London is an innovative and pioneer capital in many fields and wants to invent the means of transport of the future. The corpus deals with the notion of the transport innovation

    667 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Système britannique LLCE

    Système britannique LLCE

    Emma Aoustin 06/02/2023 1A Synthèse LLCE As we know, the United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, in which the monarch doesn’t take any open political decisions. All decisions are taken by the government and the parliament. The government is divides by the Tories and the Labour. and the parliament is

    1 123 Mots / 5 Pages
  • TD de droit civil

    TD de droit civil

    TD ORDRE ADMINISTRATIF ORDRE JUDICIAIRE CONSEIL D’ETAT COUR DE CASSATION Cour assise appel (9 jurés) Cours d’appel Cour administatif d’appel Tribunale de police contrav Max 300$ Tribunal Administratif Tribunale correctionel delit 10ans 3750$ Cour d’assise crime +10ans Cour criminel 10 à 20 ans Jurdidiction Civil: Tribunale judicaire Conseil des prud’hommes:

    1 193 Mots / 5 Pages
  • TD on taxes

    TD on taxes

    Taxes were applied and sanctions were introduced. Customs officers were allowed to conduct seizures on illegal products. The troops and officers should housed and welcomed by the colonists in their own home. The colonists were not happy to see troops coming → feeling of being an enemy and have tou

    1 484 Mots / 6 Pages
  • TED conference (Choose 1 among the 3 that are proposed to you)

    TED conference (Choose 1 among the 3 that are proposed to you)

    TED conference (Choose 1 among the 3 that are proposed to you) -Circle the name of the conference you have chosen: Josh Luber—Why sneakers are a great investment? Paul Piff—Does money make you mean? Van Jones—The economic injustice of plastic -Why did you choose this conference? I choose this conference

    463 Mots / 2 Pages
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